According to contemporary astrologers, Neptune is the ruler of Pisces. Depending on classical astrological knowledge, although Jupiter rules Pisces, we must consider that Neptune shows many similarities to Pisces’ characteristics. When a planet sits in the sign it rules, it reflects the characteristics of that sign in a powerful and real way. Pisces characteristics will be felt clearly when Neptune stays in that sign emphasizing voluntary self-sacrifice, global love and friendship. Pisces symbolizes the infinite cosmos of the imagination. Between 2012 and 2025, Neptune situates in this sign which allows the doors of a new world to open to humanity.

Pisces is the last one of the twelve signs. Thus, it represents the completion of the cycle and the last step of individual evolution. Consequently, this is the most difficult step because now is the time to move beyond social patterns and towards global subjects to realize the power that constitutes the cosmos. This step also requires a submission to “divine” power. Pisces, as the last sign, symbolizes both an ending and a new beginning. The Zodiac is not only a circle but also a spiral.

Neptune closely relates to the pineal gland, the center of the intuitive brain, a spiritual center. It symbolizes inner wisdom, high cognition capacity and intuitiveness, unconditional love, self-sacrifice and forgiveness. Like Pisces, Neptune has the ability to go with the flow by submission and also the ability of initiation. Neptune’s passing from the end point of the cycle—Pisces—means submission of the mature individual will give important opportunities to reach the “İnsan-ı Kamil” [person who achieves perfection] level. People who reach this level will realize the secrets of existence, seemingly impossible for ordinary people. Mature minds will realize there is a total unity in the cosmos and align with the cosmos and increase their vibrations; however, people who are not ready for such an understanding will be confused and fall into chaos. The latter ones may get stuck in their realm of fiction and fantasies.

Neptune brings disintegration of the qualities of the sign that it is in. Pisces is related to beliefs. Beginning in 2012, people will question who they are, their purpose, and the validity of institutional religious structures and its rules. Reality may be difficult to conceive. In this environment of chaos, people may easily be deceived, and some fake prophets may emerge. Everyone should be very careful during this period!

The Emergence of “İnsan-ı Kamil” = The Perfect Man

Neptune relates to purification, banishing materialism, disintegrating structures, forms and flexibility. It increases intuition and telepathy and encourages empathy towards the needs of others. It tends to unite people under spiritual instead of materialist values. During Neptune’s transit in Pisces, our moral values, ideals, self-sacrifice to our beliefs and sharing all we have with others will have greater importance. Neptune in Pisces opposes the individual ego and all egocentric approaches, yet supports social integrity. It is constructive and prefers love. This love, both individual and social, goes beyond all of these. This universal love is immense and binds with divine power. It represents going beyond boundaries and to be “one” with the cosmos. It relates to acting towards wellness of the whole. This creates the “İnsan-ı Kamil,” namely “The Mature Man” or “The Perfect Man.”

We are entering into an era where we will gain real knowledge and realize everything came out of one single source. A humankind helpful and good for society will emerge, and thus man will reach perfection. In Sufism, this mankind is called “İnsan-ı Kamil.” Azizuddin Nefesi, one of the greatest Sufis, defines “Insan-ı Kamil” as consisting of good morals and knowledge, good words and good actions. These values do not only depend on moral actions but also on knowledge. What we call knowledge here is not limited to technological and scientific knowledge. This knowledge understands the Creator and his works, learns the principles of the cosmos, retains consciousness of evolution and contributes to that evolution consciously and serves it. This is what nourishes the human soul and what fills the emptiness in our hearts.

We must realize the divine unity, universal love and infinite existence of oneness, and the divine rules which draw the path of our destiny, movements of the cosmos and the heavens, and how they affect us and the meaning and purpose of our lives. Astrology as one of the most important teachings lets us realize the divine order. When spiritual and humanistic values integrate into our daily lives, we gain modesty, altruism and forgiveness, and we may easily overcome this severe process and mature; more importantly, we may evolve collectively.

The End of an Inappropriate Era

The existing order based on materialism that human beings formed is about to end. This order is a rotten one and has been strongly distorted. Everything has been based on materialism while moral values have been forgotten. The existing authorities in power think about their own benefits and use science and technology to try to dominate human beings. As long as technology improves, we face more necessity. While trying to cope with daily conditions, humanity gets further from silence and finds only confusion and chaos.

Today’s science cannot satisfy a human’s spiritual nature because it only sees mankind as “material structure.” This false perception of civilization weakens spiritual themes. Science can only observe material structures through material realities: It does not accept anything unless it proves the laws via experimental methods. It does not deal with the spirituality of mankind; thus, it leads a development of civilization in contention to the real structure of mankind. Such a distorted order and civilization cannot last long. Humanity has reached a point where the order built will collapse, and he will pay for his faults.

Depending on our place in the planetary transits, this era is part of a process gaining consciousness and awakening. Within this process, we can wake up easily and keep pace with necessities of the New Age only if can control our ideas and strengthen our willpower. As we head to the Aquarian Age, there will be an important jump in the evolution of mankind. If we realize that we are responsible for our ideas and actions, then we will be more careful about not taking unconscious steps. This is what we call free will; only then will freedom be possible. We should not forget that the aim of our lives in this material world is to gain consciousness. This is the awareness that we should learn in this School of Earth, in turn, it will lead us to first know ourselves and then to know the holy Creator. Ergun Arıkdal, who was one of the leading representatives of spiritualism in Turkey, said: “For the one who does not know himself, The God is him. He worships himself, to his own reality. Without awakening, it seems impossible to stop worshiping himself. After deceiving himself for a long time, it is time for awakening.”

During this difficult process, humanity will be in great turmoil. We are reaching to the center of great crisis. We will be living through many changes, and while passing through these stages, we will feel that everything gets worse. Conversely, don’t forget that after each period of darkness, we face the light again. This is the dawn of the Aquarian Age!

As we approach the Aquarian Age, social and universal consciousness, oneness, equality and justice ideals will get stronger. This period sees the removal of our mental curtains and changes in the values and assumptions of our era. All conflicts due to a low-consciousness level will be solved in time. We will have the opportunity to discover our real abilities, to expand their capabilities and to reach higher understanding. The conditions that prevent our development and understanding of universal principles will disappear, so our minds will be freed and our brains will function optimally.

Poseidon – The God of the Seas

According to the ancients, Neptune’s entrance to Pisces brings chaos. Neptune, known as Poseidon in mythology, is the god of the sea, oceans and earthquakes who creates earth-shaking waves with his truncheon. Poseidon rules all the creatures of the sea. He creates huge waves with his chariot driven by dolphins. Since Neptune is associated with the sea and the oceans, some researchers think Neptune’s entrance to Pisces will trigger some disastrous floods. Some researchers think this movement of Neptune may also point to biological wars since Neptune also links to petroleum, liquids, tobacco, chemicals, gases, drugs and anesthetic substances.

When Neptune begins its transit in Pisces starting in 2011-2012, we will face some water problems. For a long time, scientists have declared that due to the melting of the poles, the rising sea level would lead to floods. Furthermore, 40 percent of the world’s population will face hunger and thirst because of the decrease in the amount of drinkable and agricultural water. Lack of water in Asia, where the great majority of the population lives, already experiences a danger to the continuity of life. When we evaluate all these astrologically, we easily see that this process will be more rapid than we think. This will lead to some problems with agricultural products, and we know that because Pluto is currently transiting in Capricorn, an earth sign.

Neptune’s Entrance into Pisces in History

Just like the other generation planets—Uranus and Pluto—Neptune also emphasizes change; however, a very important difference exists when compared with the other two. Neptune’s energy of change is softer. It does not mean changes made by suppression and violence; indeed, it’s like a silent revolution. It filters into the collective consciousness and allows change to occur in an innate and impulsive way. Of course, we have to evaluate it together with other planetary cycles. For example, when Neptune entered in Pisces in 1520-1521, we also had a Saturn-Uranus cycle. In 1848, the Uranus-Pluto conjunction occurred, and in the coming years, these two caused a conjunction first with Saturn in Aries and then in Taurus.

In general, Neptune is associated with beliefs, morals and spiritual values. When we looked at the former Neptune ingresses into Pisces, we see that humans tend to change the existing institutional and strong systems (Saturn). These institutional systems are sometimes economic, sometimes religious and sometimes juridical.

Neptune usually stays in one sign for approximately 14 years. Its one tour around the Zodiac lasts for 165 years. It traveled in Pisces between the years of 1520-1534, 1684-1698 and 1848-1862 . During these periods after entering into Pisces, Neptune retrograded into Aquarius for a while and then turned to Pisces again and stayed in this sign for 13 years. Now we will examine two of these periods of Neptune in Pisces which seems similar to the era we are going into.

Between 1520-1534

When Neptune entered into Pisces in 1520, the Catholic Church lost its efficiency due to Protestant reform. In Germany, Martin Luther threatened the hegemony of the Catholic Church. Protestants refused the Pope’s authority, however, did not replace this authority with another one. So, Protestants became more tolerant (Neptune) when compared with Catholics. After 1520, the world became a more different place. Many countries established national churches. Many new religious orders and trends emerged. People began to read the Holy Books and to individually interpret them. As a result some Protestants realized the truth (Neptune=reality): The New Testament did not cover any information about the Trinity, the basis of the Catholic religion.

In the New Testament, God was defined as “the One and the only” and nothing written about the Trinity. Christ was not the son of God and a messiah but a religious leader who was one of the prophets of Jewish tradition. The Holy Book should have been read in the light of mind and science, instead of being seen as an absolute source of information; it should have been evaluated as a book which was written by a human.

The Protestant trend led by Luther and then by some priests like Calvin and Zwingli was a rebellion towards the Roman Church and the Pope’s authority. This rebellion was also a bloody one; Europe has faced lots of wars between Catholics and Protestants. During this period when Neptune was in Pisces, Pluto was also in Capricorn as it is now. So, we believe that this period will shed light on the development that we could see in our near future.

In 1848, when Neptune entered into Pisces, it was considered the beginning year of world revolution. This revolution started on February 22, 1948, and in one month spread across Europe, from Paris to Vienna, Berlin and Milan, except for England. Neptune’s entrance to Pisces was on February 17, 1948, just five days before the revolution movements!

Between 1848-1862

1848 is seen as the fall of feudalism and capitalism (Saturn).  Of course, this is not only the result of Neptune’s entrance to Pisces. At that time Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction in Aries. Thus, this was a rebellious, harsh, active and innovative period. Uranus and Pluto will again be in conjunction in Aries in 2011 and 2012, after Neptune’s full entrance in Pisces. This time Pluto will not be in Aries but will square Uranus. As a result, we see lots of insinuations about 2012, the year of change.

This earlier period was a time when capitalism was challenged and changed. While nowadays the crisis emerges again on the agenda, economists declare that this is the end of this system.

1948 is also known as the beginning of ascension of modern proletarians. By that time, socialism (Neptune) was in the forefront. To be honest, some economic and social conditions met with political ineptitude and all these created the 1848 revolutions. This is just like the situation today, isn’t it? Due to economic crisis, food prices increased and the government conflicts with itself. In 1848, with the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx emphasized that capitalism should collapse, and proletarians should have better rights. Today, we are nearly on the same track. Uranus in Aries is forming a square with Pluto in Capricorn and opposition with Saturn in Libra: All these show that we may face a similar scenario.

In 1848, Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Convention was also held. This movement was the beginning of “the shift in consciousness and individualization” (Neptune). During this time, Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott arranged a women’s rights convention for the first time in history in Seneca Falls, New York. The representative in Congress published a declaration that they requested equal rights with men, the right to vote, and equal rights in employment and education. This is the integration and grouping feature of Neptune. This shows the integration of purposes, ideals and also the concept of sharing. A characteristic of Neptune gathers people around the same ideals. I think that Neptune has a magnetism that gathers people together. We actually know that it encompasses empathy.

For a decade following 1848, some very radical feminist movements existed. Of course, we cannot explain this only with Neptune’s entrance into Pisces. Women’s rights are also related to Saturn-Uranus and Uranus-Pluto cycles. Interestingly, Neptune is a feminine planet and Pisces a feminine sign, too. This explains why this entrance also has a feminine emphasis.

In France, imperialism stopped as of May 23, 1848. Neptune in Pisces is related with universal human rights, conscience and wholeness concepts. In the same year, the second republic was established. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was elected president, but then he subverted the republic in 1852 and declared himself the emperor. Thus, the second republic constitution lost its validity. At that time Saturn, Uranus and Pluto were all aligned in Taurus.

Now that we know some about what happened in the last Neptune in Pisces periods, we will see more details in the Neptune Ingress Chart.  

Neptune Ingress Chart

Neptune entered into Pisces on April 4, 2011, when two collective planets—Jupiter and Saturn—are in opposition.

In 2000, these two planets were in conjunction in Taurus. Taurus, as a typical earth sign, is aware of material reality and related to security. It likes the physical world. In the latest decade, we experienced a very material world. Beginning in 2000, getting loans and accumulating debt to live a better life gained wide acceptance. Nearly everyone wanted better things, and they desired to live in comfort as soon as possible. People excluded those who preferred to manage with what they had and considered a traditional lifestyle.

Beginning in 2010, we headed towards a period where we should watch out for our excessively-material attitudes. Neptune and Saturn-Jupiter opposition helps us to do just that. When Pluto, as the other piece of the puzzle, entered in Capricorn in 2007, we began to see the results of our excessive spending habits. Neptune is the number one enemy of capitalism. Pluto in Capricorn also undertook the job to transform the capitalist system. Uranus and Mars with square to Pluto reflect the rebellious energy of Aries that forces change.

The world wants transformation!

Öner Döşer