For thousands of years, gold was considered the metal of the Sun. The chemical symbol Au comes from the Latin word Aurum, meaning glittering and shining. With its impressive bright-yellow and glittery appearance, gold is also a very heavy metal. It is also very resistant and does not easily react with other substances, such as air and water. This is why it doesn’t rust or tarnish. In its pure form, it is very malleable, making it easy to shape. Gold, with all these qualities, has been considered the most precious metal throughout history.
The mythological story of the Golden Fleece is based on gold, as indicated by its name. It is also no coincidence that the Golden Fleece was located at Colchis. In those times, this region was rich in gold and silver, and the furs of various animals were used to filter out particles of gold from the river water. The furs were laid in the flow of the river and would collect the gold particles. The furs were later dried, and the gold particles were collected and forged. Historians mention how famine in Greece back then caused people to seek new solutions. The Colchis region, which was living in prosperity, inevitably attracted the interest of the Greeks. This legend gives hints about the Greek settlers that arrived on the eastern shores of the Black Sea and founded colonies. Of course, Greek colonial involvement in this area was not limited to gold mining. The trading potential for slaves, lumber, fish, honey, and other goods intrigued the Greeks. Their trade missions were weak at first, but they continued to increase due to the abundance of goods and the relatively primitive native civilization. This ultimately led to them building their first cities by the Black Sea.
Gold can be found everywhere on the planet. It can be found in the seas, underground, and even in the highest layers of the atmosphere. While it can be found everywhere, it exists in generally low concentrations.
The Sun is associated with gold, as well as the heart and the energy of life. In ancient times, much was written about a potion made from gold and named the Elixir of Life. Colloidal gold can be bright yellow, red, or lilac, depending on the concentration of gold. In Hindu chemistry, gold was used to create various potions. In the 16th century, the astrologer Paracelsus, the founder of modern chemistry, created Aurum Potabile (Latin for drinkable gold).
Today, doctors use gold to diagnose heart disease and tumors. The highest gold concentration is around the heart, so the Au-195 isotope was developed. This isotope helps take an image of the tissues that contain blood in the heart in a process called heart imaging. In older times, gold was used to treat rheumatism. Rheumatism in astrology is symbolized by Saturn, and the Sun is the traditional enemy of this celestial body. This also concurs with a proposition of Paracelsus: “It should be destroyed with a similar body or an enemy of the celestial body that causes the disease.”
Since the Sun–Gold relationship has been discovered by many over the years, the Sun is used as an inference in modern financial astrology.

Devrim Dolen