In modern times, researchers have been trying to discover the right dietary patterns and general premises to support the numerous theories. Why has the  human diet become so confusing? Why have there been so many “right eating” plans for people over recent years? However, all creatures on this planet consume a naturally right and suitable diet. It’s a straightforward diet of natural foods found in every species’ natural domain, maintains a healthy weight and is harmonious with every given physiological device and needs, and does not cause degenerative maladies or result in cancer. Most creatures consume what we call mono-meals, with the exception of us, the humans, of course! No creature asks itself, “What shall I eat today?” or says, “I’m tired of that. I’d rather eat something else.”

Today, most people are sick a lot of the time, if not all the time, and they constantly treat their ailments with various cures. Around 45% of Westerners are expected to develop cancer at least once in their lifetimes. Westerners typically eat poor diets, and their diets are extremely acid forming.
What should we eat then and why? All diets are either “acid forming” or “alkaline forming.” Before going any further, we should go back to our chemistry basics. The acidity or alkalinity of any solution, including blood, is measured using the pH scale (from the French “Pouvoir Hydrogène” meaning hydrogen power). The New Universal Unabridged Dictionary characterizes pH as “A symbol for the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution.” A pH of 7 is recognized as neutral, anything above this is alkaline, and anything below is acidic. The lower the pH level, the higher the acidity, while the higher the pH, the higher the alkalinity.
The human body has diverse pH values in its components. For example, stomach acids have a low pH level, while pancreatic secretions have a high pH. The normal pH of arterial blood (oxygenated blood) is 7.4, but in venous blood (deoxygenated blood) it is around 7.35 because of the additional carbon dioxide discharged from the body tissue.
The Textbook of Medical Physiology states that since the ordinary pH of arterial blood is 7.4, a person is considered to have acidosis when the pH falls under this and alkalosis when it goes above it.
Regulation of the acid-base balance is crucial for the body’s cells and tissues. Enzymes are influenced enormously by the pH levels in human blood and tissue, and these influences affect whether they can finish their enzymatic functions.
An essential property of blood is its level of acidity or alkalinity. Body acidity increases when the level of acidic mixes increases (through increased admission or diminished disposal), or when the level of basic (alkaline) mixes in the body falls (through diminished admission or increased disposal). Body alkalinity increases with the converse of these methods. The blood’s acid-base balance is strictly controlled, and even a minor change can seriously affect numerous organs. The body has different mechanisms to control this balance, such as in the lungs through breath, in the kidneys by discharging excess acids and bases, and so on.
The body requires nearly 20% of its diet to come from acid-forming foods, and this can be appropriately processed to help maintain health. However, high acid-forming diets can’t be correctly processed, so the body ferments its tissue, and in the end this leads to Low Chronic Acidosis. Acidosis is unnecessary blood movement brought on by an excess of acid in the blood, a lack of bicarbonate (which is alkalinizing) in the blood, or a buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood that follows from a poor lung capacity or slow breathing. It follows that consuming a typical Western diet, which involves acid-forming foods, will suppress our bodily capacities and eventually kill us.
So, what would be good to eat? A diet based on the right acid-base balance is the way to go. This way of eating has numerous names, such as the alkaline diet, the acid-alkaline diet, the acid-alkaline balance diet, and the alkaline-ash diet. The aim is not to calculate an exact measure of alkalinity but rather accomplish an ideal acid-alkaline balance. Although the body can neutralize and eliminate acids, there is a limit to the amount of acid a healthy body can cope with. Illnesses and aging decrease the kidneys’ capacity further, so we should help our bodies to maintain their acid-base balances.
An important benefit of the acid-base balance diet is weight loss. As indicated by Robert O. Young, author of The pH Miracle of Weight Loss, obesity is related to over acidity. The body responds to inordinate acidity by storing more fat, so an alkaline diet erases the need for this excess fat. This is then followed by easy weight loss without the need to decrease your calorific intake.
Moreover, a natural, plant-based eating regimen of minimally processed, alkalizing foods prevents the dangerous impact of acid. It’s also the portal to healing, and physical and mental wellbeing.
The idea behind the acid-alkaline balance diet is to combine the correct foods. Doctors and dietitians recommend various things, chefs cook without the slightest respect for the physiological needs of our digestive framework, and people consume it. It’s the general view of laymen and experts alike that the human stomach has the capacity to process any mixture of sustenance that it may be fed.
Digestion is managed by physiology, although the “nutrition researchers” keep on ignoring this. They develop menus without the smallest thought of the deterioration they are causing to the digestive tracts of their patients. They never think about how they harm the people paying them for help.
Certain physiological facts about the digestive organs, enzymes, and juices need to be taken into consideration when preparing menus for both healthy and ill people. It’s not what we eat but rather what we digest and absorb that contributes to our wellbeing, health, and strength. A stomach that is deteriorated won’t supply the body with the “calories” and “nutrients” the food initially held.
That being said, let’s see the common food combination mistakes:

1. Acid-Starch combination

Never eat bread, potatoes, peas, beans, bananas, dates, or various sugars with lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, tomatoes or other acidic fruits. Since the ptyalin enzyme, used to digest starches, acts only in an alkaline environment, it is rendered useless by the slightest acid. Fruit acids prevent starch assimilation and support its fermentation. If you can’t eat oranges because they give you gas, try eating one alone 15–30 minutes before a meal.

2. Protein–Carbohydrate combination

Never consume nuts, meat, eggs, cheese or other protein-based foods with bread, oats, potatoes, sweet fruits, cakes, and so on. Because protein absorption is an acidic procedure (gastric digestion) and starch assimilation is an alkaline procedure (salivary digestion), they can’t occur at the same time. The increasing acidity in the stomach totally prevents sugar absorption, and this is followed by fermentation. This is why many, if not all, people have gas issues after eating beans. These hold about 25% protein and 51% sugar or starch, more or less.

3. Protein-Protein combination

Never eat two different concentrated sources of proteins together. Two protein-based foods of diverse characteristics and distinctive structures call for diverse digestive juices, each of which has a distinctive quality and character, which should not be in the stomach during the the same meal. For example, eggs require a different digestion to both milk or meat, so they should not be consumed together.

4. Protein-Fat combination

Don’t eat cream, butter, oil, and so on with meat, eggs, cheese, nuts, and so forth. Fat disturbs the activity of the gastric organs and suppresses the release of the best possible gastric juices for protein. Fats in the stomach decrease the processing of chemical juices, and fatty acids reduce the action of the gastric glands and gastric juices and decrease the amount of pepsin and hydrochloric acid.

5. Acid-Protein combination

Never consume acidic fruits with proteins. This means no oranges, tomatoes, lemons, pineapples, and so forth together with meat or eggs. However, there are no issues with eating them together with protein fats like avocado, cheese, or nuts. Acidic fruits inhibit the gastric juices, disturbing the digestion of protein and resulting in putrefaction. So say farewell to breakfasts of grapefruit and egg.

6. Sugar-Starch combination

Don’t eat jams, sugar, honey, syrups, molasses, and so on with bread, cake, cereals, potatoes, and so on. When sugar is consumed, the mouth rapidly loads itself with saliva, yet there is no ptyalin, which is essential for starch assimilation. When starch is masked with sugar, the taste buds are fooled and carbohydrate digestion is weakened.

7. Melons

Melons deteriorate rapidly in the stomach, and it’s almost certain they will result in some sort of inconvenience if eaten with another food. If you have issues with melons, try to eat them alone.

8. Milk

Milk acts as a gastric insulator. Its cream inhibits the release of gastric juices for some time after a meal is eaten. Milk doesn’t digest in the stomach but rather in the duodenum, so the stomach does not respond to the presence of milk. This prevents the digestion of anything consumed along with the milk.

Correct Food Combination: Quick Reference Chart

Protein Starch Fat Sweet Milk Sour Milk Starchy Vegetables Non-starchy green vegetables Acid fruits Sub-acid fruits Sweet fruits (dried) Melons
Meat Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Good Bad Bad Bad Bad
Nuts Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Good Good Bad Bad Bad
Protein-Starch Bad Fair Fair Bad Bad Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad
Starch Bad Good Good Bad Bad Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad
Fat Bad Good Good Fair Fair Good Good Fair bad Bad Bad
Sweet Milk Bad Bad Good Bad Bad Fair Fair Bad Bad
Sour Milk Bad Bad Good Bad Bad Fair Fair Bad Bad
Green vegetables Bad Good Good Poor Bad Good Good Good Fair Poor Bad
Sub-acid fruits Bad Bad Good Fair Fair Bad Fair Good Good Good Bad
Acid fruits Bad Bad Good Fair Fair Bad Fair Good Good Bad Bad
Sweet fruits(dried) Bad Bad Bad Poor Fair Bad Poor Poor Good Good Fair
Melons bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad good

Source: “The AAA Diet” by Paul Fanny, 2013.

Here is a suggestion for the ideal menu:

Breakfast: Fruit
Lunch: A vegetable salad, one cooked green vegetable, and a starchy food
Dinner: A large, raw vegetable salad, two cooked, non-starchy vegetables, and a protein source.
If you already feel tired and bloated after meals, take this article into consideration, because it may change your life. If you want to increase your athletic performance, you should take this article really seriously. You will be amazed with the results.

Celina Stamboli Rodriguez