Behavior patterns can either be useful or of no use. I have read about these patterns in books or observed and witnessed them in my colleagues’ attitudes, who are successful executives. This is what I would like to convey in this article. I hope what you are about to read may change your life.
Typical Characteristics of Winners
Winners always have a positive manner in their speech.
They are quite aware of the significance of and the truth in Gandhi’s words below:

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Winners are visionaries; they set their goals high and make action plans and strategies in advance to achieve these goals.
They take actions in a timely fashion; they never postpone anything.
They do not victimize themselves: They never pull themselves down, feel sorry for themselves or blame others. They are not stuck in the past. They learn from their mistakes and never judge themselves harshly and hurt their sense of self. And, they always keep going.
Although they are assumed to be lucky, they do not miss but utilize opportunities. They are willing to take risks, and they are hard workers.
Most successful people exercise regularly and take it seriously. For example, there are many business professionals who say they wake up at 5 a.m. and jog in ice cold weather. Not only does such exercise instill discipline but also strengthens self-control and empowers as well.
Usually they get up early. They do not sleep much. They use time efficiently. Hence, they are timely.
Regardless of their position, they are all life-long learners.
They cannot be manipulated easily by others.
They value people and their relationships with them. Still, they never waste time on negative people who may depress them or cast them down.
They don’t talk out of turn.
They are focused and to the point. They steer their energy toward meeting goals.
Einstein says, “You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created.” They manage to think differently—on a different level. They seize opportunities, not the problem itself.
He who establishes the right team wins, rather than he who does everything himself.
They are ambitious.
They do not give up easily.
They are fighters.
Their sense of social responsibility improves. They would like to add value to society. The more you give, the more you get.
Most important of all, they are not afraid. Even if they are, they are quite successful at keeping their fear under control.
They claim full responsibility for their own destiny.
To Win and to Lose
Unfortunately, everything coexists with its opposite. That is, if there are winners there will also be losers. No matter how we define winning—on either a concrete or spiritual level—it is not possible for somebody to win all the time. Still, we can learn from our mistakes and our losses: It is our mistakes that gear us up for success. We usually notice successful businesspersons, players or artists when they are at their best. So, we think they are lucky and we are not. We assume life is playing hardball with us, but not with them. We never think that these people might be working day and night while we are sound asleep. Indeed, we know nothing about the price they had to pay. Somehow we ignore their past: We do not know what they have been through before they got there or how many times they have been defeated or how they handled situations.
Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years for his fight against racism. For us, 27 years is just a numeric expression, something abstract. Seldom do we think of his condition or remember that he was still standing when he was let out.
Atatürk [founder of modern Turkey] was arrested at the age of 24 and at age 25 exiled. When he was 30, he was unemployed. At 38, the Minister of Defense discharged him. At the age of 39, he was sentenced to death. What do you think: Was he more of a winner or loser in all these years?
It is important to take life as it is with bad times and the good:

  1. Never give up on life.
  2. Seize opportunities.
  3. Know when to step back or take it easy.
  4. Learn that everything may come and go.
  5. Whatever you do, don’t lose focus!

We shall go beyond the win-lose dilemma. It is important to keep in mind that both victory and defeat are for all people. To develop such an understanding, one must make compromises. In my opinion, the real winners should live through such phases; then, these people may realize everything is momentary, fragile and changeable.
Power should be managed with modesty, dignity and tolerance. Otherwise, we would be a slave to money, title and power. A real winner is the one who is free.
“The key to success in any field has nothing to do with talent. It’s simply practice, 10,000 hours of it.” –Malcolm Gladwell

Arzu Pınar Demirel