Chapter 1

You know what? Every man jack of us is actually a superman. You know, the Superman who shoots out beams of light from his eyes. The beams weld things up, burn places down, and can be used to see through walls, etc. A similar beam flashes from our own eyes as well, but our power doesn’t come from the planet Krypton; it originates from our own source that we emerge from, and that is our inherent divinity… Each one of us is a part of God. The Almighty said in the Koran that he breathed into us a part of his spirit; that’s the way it is. Maybe it’s even more than that. We’re the gods of our own lives, but we’re not anything near godlike on our own.
Let me rephrase this: My body is composed of trillions of cells, and each cell harbors all the features of Hasan. A cell can do everything Hasan does, and its DNA contains all the information needed to make a little copy of Hasan as well, but can I really call a single cell “Hasan”? No, as you might recall from biology classes in high school, a cell has quite a different structure to the human body. However, these cells come together and form a structure we call “Hasan.” Now, that’s what we mean by the phrase “En-el Hakk” (“we are gods”). Each of us embodies all the necessary information, data and power of goodness, and we form what is regarded as God/Life/Spirit, or whatever you prefer to call it, when we come together.
Alright dude, but what does this have to do with our daily lives, you ask? Well, the answer lurks in Superman. We empower whatever our eyes, and the beams of light shooting from them, touch upon. Quantum physicists try to explain this concept as the influence of the “observer.” We can sum this up as, “the attention from the observer affects the motion of electrons.” That means, especially in spiritual terms, you’ll empower whatever you direct your attention upon, just like a plant under the sun. Your energy is the sun itself. So, how did I realize this? Very simply, I’d been worried over the past couple of days. More specifically, I was vexed at the fact that I work so hard, yet the money I earn goes straight on expenses. I plan to do so many things, but my resources are insufficient. I was exhausted, and I wondered how I should continue.
All of a sudden, I realized I’d fallen into the “not enough money” template, and I was feeding it day and night. In fact, I couldn’t even feed it. Worries, fears, and especially negative visions about the future were nonexistent, and my beams of light vanished into the “darkness of nothingness.” Why wouldn’t they? After all, there’s no solid entity that could mirror my beams back at me so I could see them. For example, when you go up into space, would you see your surroundings like you do here on Earth? Nope, it’s all darkness. The sun is there, but everything is in darkness. Beams of light from the sun are reflected from entities, be it planets, satellites, and other celestial bodies, and so the sun illuminates them. Otherwise, the beams just vanish into the darkness. Just like that! We, too, waste our energy by directing toward nonexistent visions. We have a pitcher in our hands and we water a piece of soil that contains no seeds. Meanwhile, the real seed dies from thirst…
Well, to where then should we direct this energy? We can grow our focus, spiritual eyes, energy, and everything we desire if we choose to direct it to “now,” to whatever we’re doing at the moment. Do it without any other thought in your mind, because then you’re directing your energy to yourself rather than nothingness, and so you begin to nourish yourself. As you nourish yourself, you begin to “blossom,” and the things you ran after before begin to emerge from within you. You turn into something branchy, rosy, and marvelously leafy. At least I feel it to be something like that. I haven’t experienced it in depth yet, but at least I’ve felt the awareness I explained above and shared it with you all…
I’d like to thank my personal Kryptonite, namely my ego, for enabling me to attain this awareness…
(Note for those who don’t know what Kryptonite is: Kryptonite is the only element that could disrupt Superman’s power. It’s from the planet Krypton, just like Superman. Based on the comparison above, we can safely say it’s our essence emerging from the divine source. Our divine energy level scales down when we’re near to it, but it’s also our greatest helper in exploring our own divinity. As we recognize and get to know it, its influence on us will decrease, and our beams of light will grow stronger. Thus, we become a superhero or something…well, you know…)
Chapter 2
I spotted a detail as I looked into the mirror just now. I said above that we nourish whatever we shift our focus onto and asked which soil we were watering. Now here we are. I realized that the first and foremost thing we need to observe is ourselves. We should drink that water first… We should quench our thirst and make ourselves blossom…
Yes, we can use this energy to feed the “I want to be a zillionaire” seed and water hectares of fields in order to cultivate it, but do you know what you’ll get? Greed and gluttony. No field, no sapling, and no wealth can satisfy us, and we continue to chase after more, while our own sapling withers away because we shifted our focus to some other target rather than ourselves. Kryptonite, namely our ego, shatters our power, and we don’t want to see our withered, weakened selves in the mirror anymore, so we try to express and define ourselves with what we possess. In fact, our power isn’t shattered; it’s just been deceived big time.
Superman now wastes his power or spends it on possessions. What’s worse is that he’s not yet aware of Kryptonite. Real egomaniacs are those who don’t even know what the ego is. For this reason, there are inappeasable millionaires and leaders who ravenously hunger after more power in the world… These people are using their energy on everything but themselves. They acquire large fields from the seeds they’ve planted, but they live like lonely saplings in the middle of those fields. They’re not even aware of this situation…
A self-aware person knows about the Kryptonite they possess. They may be helpless in freeing themselves from the weakness of wasting their energy, but they are already asking questions like, “Wait a minute! There’s something terribly wrong here!” Now at this point, when their eyes turn toward themselves, the power activates again. Their own sapling blossoms and grows stronger. It flourishes when they start watering it. It slowly flowers and bears fruit. The fruits ripen and then fall onto the ground. Because the soil is already watered, the seeds within the fruits also turn into saplings and then trees. Then these trees also blossom and bear fruit, and so it goes on and on…
Superman is now watering both himself and his garden of fruit trees. Everything he once ran after emerges from within. He starts this process with the mere effort of observing himself. He watered his soil and filled it with energy. In fact, what he has done is to love himself, and the rest is history. Now Kryptonite cannot affect him. He even takes it into his hand and keeps it as a souvenir of his home. He’s so powerful now that the harmful effect of Kryptonite cannot reach him. Now the mission of this empowered entity is to water and cultivate his surroundings and teach the other weak saplings how to love, water, and blossom themselves…
Well then, where should we begin doing this? Simple. The mirror exercise I learned from Louisa Hay is just perfect for this process. The exercise starts with you sitting in front of the mirror and telling yourself, “I love you. I really love you.” This goes on to be a process in which Superman shifts his focus onto himself, illuminating himself with his own sun and watering his own roots. Yes, there needs to be a certain period of time for you to start flowering. Your sapling was feeble up to now, and it will need time to grow stronger, but we’ll water and nourish it each and every day… Each and every day, and whenever else we find time to do so, because once a day is not really enough. We’ll do it for tens of thousands of times each day… We already know how to do it, because we watered empty, seedless soil thousands of times back in the day… Now we’re going to use this energy for ourselves. The only thing we need do for it is shift our attention—that’s all.
Alright, my fellow Supermen and Supergirls? It’s about time we water and grow our own saplings. It’s about time we blossom…

Hasan Sonsuz