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Wake Up, Neo!

Up to now, we have been purified by our journey. We have faced many challenges. We have worked hard, and sometimes we felt like we hadn’t moved at all. Then we had a new start.

I’m the Son of a Medium!

Writing this article is not easy for me, but nor was being the son of a medium. I suppose it was the root cause of my skepticism. You establish norms according to the environment you live in, so children’s norms come from their family and their friends.

The Psychic Powers within You

Dear Cem, let’s talk about an interesting topic: psychic powers. As it happens, something recently reminded me about this subject. A daughter of one of my friend’s has psychic powers, but she was afraid of them, so she consulted a psychiatrist. She relayed her experiences to him, and he referred her to a mental care center.


Those Evil Eyes

Beliefs about the potential power of glances reside all around the world and in nearly every culture. Stress and anxiety about eyes and glances act like heritage from humanity’s ancient ancestors.