In addition to the sun, all the planets, including the Earth, carry massive electrical currents, and the electromagnetic waves they emit penetrate the magnetic field and biosphere of the Earth in the form of electrical storms. The magnetosphere of the Earth is highly sensitive to these waves. Each planet has a different effect on the Earth’s magnetosphere. Although we know the planets directly emit electromagnetic radiation, we do not know how effective they are. As the planets emit electromagnetic energy in every direction, they affect each other as well as the sun. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the planets affects the inner part of the sun and leads to the formation of sunspots. Some combinations of planetary gravitation also affect the sunspots on the surface of the sun and trigger solar flares.
Observations and studies show that solar activity and shifts in the magnetic field of the Earth are all affected by planetary alignments. Most of the studies on this subject were conducted during the 19th century, and the scientists related the solar activities with the planets.
In the 1960s, W. A. Norton, an American astronomer at Yale University, believed Jupiter and Venus had a role in the formation of sunspots.
During 1969–1970, other findings were announced by English astronomers. In addition to Jupiter–Venus combinations, Venus–Mercury and Mars–Jupiter combinations, as well as Mercury alone were also found to affect the formation of sunspots.
Professor Balfour Stewart, who is the author of The Unseen Universe and has studied meteorology and the Earth’s magnetism, stated that there were many reasons for believing in the relationship between planetary alignments and sunspots. He declared, “If all these speculations are proved to be right, it means that we were totally mistaken about Medieval Astrology.”
In the second half of the 20th century, more studies were conducted, and by the beginning of the 1950s, additional studies had been made on the affects of the planets on solar activity.
In 1951, John H. Nelson discovered that radio interferences increased when the Sun had 0, 90, and 180 degree aspects with the other planets, because solar activity increased during these periods. As a result, a method was developed to determine the days when radio waves would be affected. John H. Nelson knew nothing about astrology, but his findings supported the teachings of ancient astrology. The planets that are on the same longitude (0 degrees / conjunction), the ones in 90 degrees (square), and the ones in 180 degrees (opposition) with each other were in line with negative long-distance radio waves, whereas the planets with 60 (sextile) and 120 degrees (trine) between each other were in line with positive radio waves. After noticing that Nelson’s observations on the planetary patterns were somewhat fortuitous, the aspects between Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus were observed and a correlation of 68% was discovered between the planetary cycles and events in the business world. John Nelson recognized that however small the gravitational affects of the distant planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) on the Sun were, their potential for creating magnetic storms was still high. His conclusion was, “We are dealing with things science does not yet know about our solar system.”
In the 1960s, Dr. Jane Blizard, a researcher and physicist from Denver University, discovered that if there is a conjunction (0 degrees), opposition (180 degrees), or certain square aspects between some planets, huge explosions in the sun would be observed. Blizard declared it was possible to make long-term assumptions about solar activities. According to Blizard, events concerning protons were in relation to the positions of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Jupiter, and this could affect the tide on the sun. There was not enough explanation about how planetary alignments could affect solar activity, but the value of this method could not be denied.
In 1973, an article issued by the New York Science Academy talked about planetary conjunctions, oppositions, houses, and phases. This angered some scientists. An astrophysicist from Colorado University pointed out the relationship between the planetary alignments and the sunspots of 11.1 years. This explained the tidal effect of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Jupiter on the sun.
Astrophysicist and astronomer Dr. Percy Seymour, the author of The Scientific Basis of Astrology and Scientific Proof of Astrology, suggested planetary alignments and their harsh angles with the Sun had a role in the formation of sunspots and drastic solar activities. Seymour’s theory supports Jane Blizard’s conclusion from her study for NASA where she stated the heliocentric alignments between the planets (0–90–180 degrees) and their hard aspects with the sun caused disturbances in the sun. According to Seymour, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune cause a shift in the magnetic field of the sun, reversing it. The vibration of these planets enlarges and affects the magnetic field of the sun. If we apply the same magnetic-wave vibrations to the Earth’s magnetosphere, we can say that the planets directly affect the Earth’s magnetic field. Consequently, the magnetic field of the Earth is affected not only by solar storms, but also directly by the planets. The weak effect of the waves of these planets is not important; their power may increase because of resonance. The magnetic channels of the sun also have the capacity to increase the weak force of the planets. These magnetic channels, which are magnetic power fields, spread vibrations like the strings of a musical instrument and increase the resonance of the weak planetary wave effects within the solar cycle.
In 2007, NASA scientist Ching-Cheh Hung declared in an article titled Apparent Relations Between Solar Activity and Solar Tides Caused by The Planets that the sunspots cycles were affected by the changes in the tidal waves of the planets. As proof, he stated that 28 out of the 35 inflammations were observed when one or more planets that cause dominant tidal waves (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Jupiter) were over the existing positions (<10°) or in opposition (180°) with the sun. As observed in the last 300 years, Hung emphasized that Venus, Earth, and Jupiter alignment cycles were similar to Schwabe sunspot cycles of 11 years.
Planetary Alignments and Solar Activity
According to scientists, when the planets align with each other in 0–90–180 degrees (within a margin of ±10 degrees) the center of the sun is also very active and solar activity peaks. Most of the solar flares are related to the indirect gravity of the planets. When the sun stands between two such planets, and if the planets are in their optimal positions, the energy increases. As a result, the center of the sun is stimulated. The electromagnetic radiation and the combined gravity of the planets affects not only the sun, but also the Earth’s core. According to Frank Glasby, the author of the book Planets, Sunspots and Earthquakes, this gravitational affect is not a direct one, but rather at a tangent to the direct gravity line. When a tidal affect is triggered, activity is observed.
The main determining factors for solar activity are the planets with wider orbits, which are the slow-moving planets: Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter. These planets alter the magnetic field of the sun, shifting its direction and corrupting the magnetic channel. Jupiter and Saturn are more influential because they determine the change in the magnetic channel. The alignments of these two planets are related to changes in the main field of the sun and to sunspots. Jupiter and Saturn have powerful magnetic fields, and they emit powerful radio signals. The intersection of radiation from these two planets can cause activity. Alignments between Jupiter and Saturn comply with 11-year sunspot cycles. When they are in conjunction or in opposition with each other, we observe a correlation in the polarity shift of the sun and sunspots. Any change in the alignment also gives information about the change in the sun.
The fast moving planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) trigger the effects of the slow moving ones. When the fast moving planets make 0–90–180 degree heliocentric aspects (±10 degrees) with each other, they can cause solar activity. The Earth is affected by the planets around the sun and their positions because they are related to sunspot formations and changes in the solar winds. The Earth, like the major planets, is also active in the formation of solar winds. According to Prof. Dr. Buryl Payne, author of the book Planetary Influences, Mercury travels between the Earth and the Sun in a faster orbit, and by preventing solar wind currents, it creates a fluctuation in the geomagnetic field. Mercury appears to be retrograding in this part of its orbit. During such phases, communication issues become complicated. When Venus and Mars come closer, and if the Moon is aligned with them, geomagnetic activity is directly increased. When Mars and the Earth are aligned, the Martian atmosphere is observed to be cooler, and if there is a full moon during this alignment, the effects on the Earth become more evident. Payne declared that when Mercury and Venus are aligned, magnetic effects and the number of sunspots decreases temporarily.
Planetary alignments are also related to the duration of sunspot cycles. As the maximum length is related to the alignment of the slow-moving planets, it can be longer. The main effect is seen when the slow-moving planets make 0–90–180 degree aspects, and this effect is valid for the duration of the aspect and this cycle.
Planetary Alignments, Solar Activity, and Natural Disasters
Some researchers believe the combined effect of gravitational forces and low-density electromagnetic fields trigger earthquakes. The grouping of the planets causes an additional power that may trigger earthquakes. The fast moving planets—which are Mercury, Venus and Mars—may have an important role here. Pairings of these planets were observed to be in close positions just before huge earthquakes. According to Frank Glasby, these planets emit powerful radio waves that affect the center of the Earth.
Research shows that Venus and Mars are in close contact during huge earthquakes. The Earth itself also triggers earthquakes because it is one of the fast-moving planets. When the Earth is involved in planetary alignments, an increase in solar activity is observed. During these periods, seismic activity also increases. Research also shows that in addition to the Earth and the moon, Jupiter and Venus also have powerful gravitational effects. When two or more of these align, this creates a substantial effect. The aspects that are in tolerance with 0–90–180 aspects signify that there will be more activity.
The force of the moon’s gravity on the Earth is almost 2.5 times that of the sun. The phases of the moon cause some changes in weather conditions, such as droughts, tornados, hurricanes, or lightning storms. Some studies show that after the new-moon and full-moon phases, the rainfall increases by 10%, and if the moon is perigee or apogee (closest to or furthest from the Earth), tropical storms may transform into hurricanes. The researcher and author Ken Ring states that lunar phases can be used to predict earthquakes. In his book, Predicting the Weather by the Moon, he states that one of the riskiest periods for earthquakes is when the moon resides at the maximum declinations to the north and south of the equator. The moon stays at these positions for three days and applies stress to the tectonic plates. Another risky period is when the Moon passes through its closest point (perigee) to the Earth, and earthquakes increase during this period. In summary, we can say that during new moons, full moons, or perigees, substantial earthquakes can take place. During full-moon phases, extra ionization on Earth is observed. The moon stays in the magnetic tail at the back of the Earth, and by leaving this place after four days, the moon causes a magnetic stream. This stream hits the Earth and creates a magnetic storm. During new-moon periods, because the moon stands between the Earth and the sun, it obstructs the particle stream from the sun and geomagnetic eruptions are observed. If the center of the Earth was stimulated recently, an earthquake is highly probable.
Some scientists claim there is a link between volcanic and solar activities. However, as they ignored the planets, they failed to explain the mechanism. According to Frank Glasby, volcanic eruptions differ from earthquakes in two ways. Generally there are two planets with close aspects and the center of the Earth is stimulated, heating the magma. During volcanic eruptions, the planets stand too close to each other and also at the same side as the Sun. The slow-moving planets gain importance in volcanic-eruption periods, and they are related with planetary groupings that create a horizontal pressure. Buryl Payne states that Venus or Saturn was observed close to the Earth during volcanic-activity periods. In addition to this, the moon’s positions seem to be related to volcanic activities.
Planetary Alignments that Cause Major Events
I will give some examples to show the relationship between natural disasters and the planetary alignments and solar activity. I will focus mainly on 2010 and 2011.
An earthquake of 8.8 magnitude hit Chili on February 27, 2010. The day before, another earthquake of 7.0 magnitude hit Japan. Several earthquakes of 6.0 magnitudes followed them. When we observe it from a heliocentric view, we can see the sky was stressed. Venus, Saturn, and Pluto had 90 degree aspects between each other, and Mars and Neptune were in opposition.
The Earth and Saturn were in perfect alignment with the Sun on March 21, 2010. Pluto was making a 90 degree aspect to this alignment. One day before, an active volcano erupted in Iceland. Many earthquakes followed: a 5.1 magnitude one in Turkey on March 24, a 6.1 magnitude one in the Philippines in March 25, a 6.2 magnitude one in Chili on March 26, and a 6.6 magnitude one in India on March 30.
When the volcano in Iceland erupted a second time in April 14, 2010, there was a grand cross between Mercury, Venus, and Uranus, and Saturn was also in opposition with Pluto. After the eruption, flights in many countries were affected. On the same day, a hurricane hit India, and an earthquake of 6.2 magnitude hit Papua New Guinea.
In June 2010, the number of sunspots increased rapidly. Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, and Uranus aligned in the first days of the month, and the Earth and sun were positioned at 90 degrees between each. Pluto was positioned in a square aspect to the Saturn and Mars conjunction. Two giant earthquakes shook the Earth in that month: on June 12, an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude hit the Nicobar Islands of India. The center of that earthquake was northwest of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. On June 13, another earthquake hit the north of Japan with a magnitude of 6.2.
The full moon was on July 25, 2010, and by July 27, there was an increase in geomagnetic activity. On that day, the planetary alignments were very harsh. Between July 28–30, because of heavy rains, floods hit China, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Many people died, and the damage was severe. The heavy rains continued for a few days, and 70% of Pakistan was submerged. This was the largest flood experienced since 1929, and more than 2,000 people died. An estimated 140 million lives were badly affected in Pakistan and China. A plane and a boat accident also occurred. Just after the active planetary alignments, a highly active solar explosion was observed, and many earthquakes followed. These active planetary alignments indicated that July and August would be full of events.
Venus came to its closest position to the Earth on October 28, 2010. Only three days before, three earthquakes of 7.7, 6.1, and 6.2 magnitudes hit Indonesia. In the following tsunami, 430 people died, 400 were lost, and 2,000 were left homeless. With the eruption of the Merapi volcano in Java–Indonesia, 38 people died, 20 were injured, and 50,000 were evacuated. Another eruption hit on November 3 and 120 people died. On October 27 and 28, a twisted filament of magnetism on the sun decided to untwist, and the result was a spectacular eruption. Due to heavy rains that began at the end of October in Thailand, 57 people died and 3 million more were negatively affected. These rains were the worst for 50 years. Another earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit the Pacific on October 30. At the beginning of November, many other natural disasters took place.
A major active explosion in the sun was observed on February 14, 2010. In the heliocentric view, Jupiter and Saturn were opposed to each other and the sun, Mars, and Earth were aligned. Neptune was also close to that alignment. Many earthquakes followed: a 6.1 magnitude one in Indonesia on February 15, a 6.1 magnitude one in the Fiji Islands, and a 6.3 magnitude one in New Zealand on February 21. More than 240 people died in Christchurch, the second-largest city of New Zealand.
When a giant earthquake of 9.0 magnitude hit Japan on March 11, 2011, Jupiter and Saturn were opposed to each other. On March 9, huge explosions in the sun were observed, and great earthquakes followed in Japan. Karangetang, one of the volcanoes of Indonesia, erupted on March 11.
These are only a few examples, and I could give more. We can easily conclude that planetary alignments and solar activities are closely related to natural disasters. Unless scientists, who investigate the relationship between solar activity and natural disasters, take the planetary alignments into account, they will never make perfect predictions.
In my next article, I will discuss how planetary alignments and solar activities affect human biology, psychology, awareness, and consciousness.
To be continued…
Ching-Cheh Hung. Apparent Relations between Solar Activity and Solar Tides Caused by The Planets
Dr. Buryl Payne. Planetary Influences, 2010
Dr. Percy Seymour. The Scientific Basis of Astrology, 1992
Frank Glasby. Planets, Sunspots and Earthquakes, 2002
Ken Ring. Predicting the Weather by the Moon, Hackman Printers LTD, 2000
LCdr. David Wiliams. Financial Astrology, AFA, 2004