Are you ready?
So, we’re gonna do some affirmations now, right? Repeat them after me:
- I’m an idiot…
- I’m a dumbass…
- I’m a fool…
- I’m a moron…
- I’m a chump…
- I’m the saddest sack of s**t there is…
You’re probably asking, “What the hell are you doing, Hasan?” Well, we use these words, brutally so, in our daily lives when we make mistakes. Each and every word that escapes our mouth, each and every thought that comes to us, is an affirmation. It gets reflected by the outside world and then comes back to us. We can do any positive affirmations we want when we wake up in the morning and stretch out our arms to welcome the new day, but with every small mistake, we recite a string of “affirmations” just like the ones I illustrated above. It’s basically the same thing. These are the ideas about ourselves that we send out into the universe. The universe doesn’t buy it when you say something like, “Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that.” We all have a part within ourselves that was blown from God’s own soul, and we create our own lives with our thoughts and words… If you persist in calling yourself names, it means you must have such a belief about yourself. If you call other people these names, it still means you have this belief about yourself. Any kind of affirmation will keep coming back to you…
Since realizing I was doing this, I’ve been paying extra attention to every word I use, especially when it’s about myself. Sure, I make mistakes, and I make them all the time. I used to give myself a public lashing with my words when I did. Words like “idiot,” “retard,” and “worthless” buzzed through my head, but I only just started to realize what I was doing. I have learned about this from Louise Hay: “If a negative thought occurs in your mind, do not avoid it. Recognize and accept it, but don’t give it any more of your power. Acknowledge the negative and affirm the positive. Repeat the positive as much as you can. Give your power to the positive. Thus you will create the change.”
Now, can you see why we should pay attention to what we say? Remember, every word and every sound is magical in a way, because they come from the mouth of a creature that can create his or her own reality, a person to whom God gave a part of its soul… 🙂