Ancient civilizations believed the Earth, the Sun, and even the whole cosmos were alive. They believed everything had a spirit. The Sun was everything; it was the source of life, but it also had the power to take life away. Throughout history, many civilizations—such as the Egyptians, Hopis, Indians, Aztecs, and Chinese—believed the Sun affected people’s collective attitudes. They all feared the anger of the Sun.
In his book The Sun is Alive, theosophist Brett J. Mitchell tells that the Sun and the seven main planets of our solar system were the source of our physical and spiritual existence. They gave life to our physical bodies, and they nurtured our spiritual growth. Solar Logos was the physical manifestation of existence.
The Sun—as the source of heat, light, and life on Earth—is like a huge electromagnetic transmitter: It transmits light, heat, UV radiation, and charged particles to all the planets of our Solar System, and its rays are the source for all human activity.
The latest research shows the Earth’s ionosphere is highly sensitive to changes in the Sun. Researchers found that solar activities not only disturb the Earth’s magnetic field, but they also feed the ionosphere, which is the protective layer of the Earth. The ionosphere maintains the necessary conditions for the growth of living things on Earth. When there is no solar activity, the ionosphere weakens and loses its power. When solar activity increases, the ionosphere and the Earth’s magnetic field expand and protect the Earth from harmful cosmic rays. When the ionosphere is weak, it may allow cosmic rays to pass.
Surrounded by the heliosphere, because the Sun and the entire Solar System continuously change location within the universe, the stars around it also change. That’s why we come across different energy levels at different places in space. While travelling around the galactic center, the Sun passes through places highly loaded with gamma radiation and photons. According to scientists from the Russian National Sciences Academia, we are moving toward the Photon Belt. The current climate changes, economic turbulences, and spiritual changes are not only caused by electromagnetic fields, but also by increased cosmic rays. These rays will increase further in the coming months.
Mitch Battros, author of Solar Rain, states the Photon Belt will affect the Sun and cause more frequent CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), and all these events will create harsher weather conditions. According to Battros, the Sun entered the Photon Belt in the summer of 1998, and as a result, the density and frequency of solar flares increased. Battros also states that when the Earth enters the Photon Belt, the vibration of the Earth and us will change.
The Effects of Solar Activity on Us
The Borderland Sciences Research Foundation conducts research on the relationship between the Sun and its effects on human attitudes. They first compared the solar cycle of 11 years with the attitudes of humans and society.
The data showed that when solar and geomagnetic activities changed rapidly, the moods, attitudes, and creativity of people were affected. Social events also showed similar changes. In addition to emotional unease and political chaos, when the Sun is active, creativity and scientific developments increase all over the world. Just as solar storms affect all the communication tools and electronic systems on Earth and in space, it’s possible they also affect the billions of brain cells, which are more sensitive than any of the man-made systems.
Solar activities change on a daily basis. The Earth is affected by electrons, protons, and other particles carried by solar storms. These particle streams strike the Earth’s magnetosphere with a power determined by their density and the speed of their magnetic plasma. This creates a direct change in the magnetic field and triggers changes in humans’ brain waves and hormones, so human attitudes also change. During this magnetic polarity, a very large amount of energy is sometimes spread. This causes serious geophysical events and can bring about changes in our DNA, opening the path for evolution.
Solar storms are also affected by planetary alignments. Because the positions of the planets are important for weather conditions, tides, and human attitudes, it’s possible that they can also trigger earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This interaction is related to the magnetic field of the Earth and the gravities and rotational speeds of the planets. According to Buryl Payne, an author and professor at Boston University with a Ph.D. in psychology and an M.S. in physics, there is a possibility of “rotation power.” He has written extensively about the relationship between planetary influences and heliospheric and geomagnetic activities, including a book named Planetary Influences. Payne observed the relationship between the Sun and the Earth from a heliocentric viewpoint and focused on the effects on the Earth, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and wars.
Sultan Bashir Mahmood, another researcher and author, states that the greater the number of sunspots, the more chaotic events there will be. A sudden increase in the number of sunspots can have horrible effects. When sunspot activity increases slowly, increases in productivity, industry, discoveries, and creativity have been observed. Moreover, when the increase is greater than 70 sunspots per year, we often see increased chaos and violence. Because feelings cannot be controlled easily, social and political turmoil is experienced, and as a result, society is beset by unease, irrational attitudes, meaningless discussions, and wars. In short, what happens outside is repeated inside.
During solar-maximum periods, murders, terrorist incidents, accidents, and health problems increase, but this is not everything. Solar protons, which carry a huge amount of energy, bring uneasiness to some people, but on the other hand, some people show more creativity than before. It is a fact that creativity and developments in sciences and arts increase during solar-maximum periods. The evolutionary process undergoes important developments during these periods. Researchers have proven that creativity, discoveries, and inventions increase during periods of greater solar activity. For example, during the extraordinary solar activity of 1958, humanity began exploring outer space.
In astrology, the Sun represents enlightenment, consciousness, willpower, and awareness. Solar activity gives us an energy flow that can help us reach currently unimaginable upper dimensions, and it can bring us many creative opportunities. So, we should consider this as a transitional period giving us an opportunity to make a quantum leap. This is a period when we can get in touch with our higher selves, and we will realize many things about our relationship with the cosmos, experiencing both an individual and collective awareness. Even though the challenges we will face will be stressful, we can overcome them all with our willpower and by being in touch with our own spirits.
The Effects of Solar Activity on Our Thoughts
The particles and radiation emanating from the Sun are carried by solar storms to the Earth’s magnetic field, where they penetrate the atmosphere. As the magnetic fields sweep away the electrons, they speed up electrical activity and create an electronic load on conductors. These particles change the chemistry of our brain cells, our bio-computer. Through this magnetism and solar radiation, the biochemical interactions in our body may affect our mind and body, so our attitudes, psychological tendencies, and emotional development may change. Following these changes, world events take place that are instigated by our conscious and unconscious actions. We know the Sun affects our daily routine, mental state, emotions, and psychology, so the Sun also affects political, technical, economic, and social events through us.
According to some opinions, solar storms and photon waves reaching the Earth have physical influences on the cellular level, so our cellular memory wakes up from our old experiences and traumas. Things that accumulated on a cellular level are cleaned and retuned to a higher frequency so our physical reality changes. As a result of this process, we intuitively feel a need to make some changes in our lives. When all these things are perceived on the conscious level, we begin remembering our life purpose. This is like a cosmic alarm helping us to wake up from a dream, and some parts of our DNA are activated.
Cosmic factors such as magnetic radiation and charged particles reach the geomagnetic field first before affecting our own magnetic fields. By affecting the flow in our brains’ neurons and hormones, they function as a catalyst. That catalyst causes mental, emotional, and physical activity and possibly aggression. If individual aggression is not controlled, it could combine into collective aggression. If it is controlled, this new brain activity can be used for creativity and productivity; new inventions are made, and new ideas are shared.
Because solar activity influences communication, power, and electrical systems, such as computers and the Internet, our brains, which are far more sensitive, will also be affected. Our bodily functions are ruled by the brain, so our minds, our feelings, and our moods and attitudes will also be affected—there is no doubt! In turn, the effects on the human mind and body influence social and political developments.
The Effects of Solar Activity on Mass Human Attitudes
Solar activity is also related with social activity. Some scientists claim human activity peaks during solar-maximum periods. The apparently powerful effects of solar activities on the geomagnetic field explain the cyclical nature of human attitudes. Scientists began investigating the relationship between solar activity and human behavior around 1915. Tchijevsky, a Russian scientist, investigated the increasing and decreasing solar activity periods and their effects on the masses. His research is the basis of the theory that solar activity affects human behavior. He published a paper in Moscow titled “The Moments When Collective Excitement Made a Peak Between 5000BC – 1922AD,” and in this paper, he pointed out that when more sunspots appeared, collective excitement increased. He considered all the events that create stress, such as wars, rebellions, general chaos, and mass migrations. He noted how the most important events took place during greater sunspot activity. These periods of stimulation were filled with sudden changes in the psychic characteristics of humanity as a result of solar maximums. Tchijevsky also discovered that during periods of minimal solar activity, stagnation was experienced. During these periods, the masses tolerated all types of depression because they lacked the vital energy to make changes. Tchijevsky also proposed that changes in magnetic activity were related to biological processes.
George Lakhovsky, another scientist who has conducted research into understanding the mechanisms that trigger different attitudes, stated in his book The Secret of Life that solar storms, which blow cosmic dust and radiation to the Earth’s atmosphere, are the Primal Vibration making cells vibrate with their vital power. According to Lakhovsky, this is Prana (the giver of life), the cosmic breath, and the source of our evolution. Cosmic radiation resonates with our cells. Solar maximums, solar storms, and consecutive geomagnetic reactions trigger many things in our bodies on the atomic level, so solar maximums are directly related to our physical metabolism. To produce energy, some particles must pass through the membrane. This magnetic transmission stimulates the enzymes and produces energy stocks like ATP. As the penetrating waves increase during solar storms, the electrochemical reactions in our bodies are stimulated. Lahhovsky’s theory provided a logical mechanism to explain the stimulating effects of radiation on the human body.
According to Professor d’Arsonval, the author of Preliminary Remarks, the radiation from the Sun creates the electrical current needed for an organism to function as a whole. The energy system of living things is controlled by radian energy and electrical powers.
The Effects of Solar Activity on our Health
The human body has magnetic fields similar to those of the Earth. Any factor that disturbs one of these also disturbs the other. We are connected to the Earth and the greater cosmos, and this cannot be fully explained by science. Magnetic fields influence the nervous system, and changes in the magnetic field may cause blockages. During CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), the charged particles coming from the Sun disturb the balance of our biomagnetic fields, also causing mental and physical diseases. Solar activity affects human attitudes via our nervous system. These days, healthcare experts also accept that we are not formed of physical bodies alone: We consist of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy systems, but the physical system is the densest.
According to recent research published in New Scientist, there is a direct relationship between solar storms and biological effects on humans and animals. There are many biological problems caused by natural electromagnetic powers. For example, before thunderstorms, many people suffer from migraines, or animals feel stress before earthquakes. During solar maximum periods, blood pressure problems, reproduction issues, immune system failures, cardiovascular and neurological problems, anxiety, fatigue, stress, depression, and suicides increase. Accidents and cases of unexpected death also spike. Just as the full moon affects our moods, changes in magnetism caused by solar activity also affect us.
According to Solco W. Tromp, if we are not stimulated by the Sun, we could experience health problems, because our lives are restricted during periods of low solar activity.
Colonel C.A. Gill and Dr. Conyers Morrel state that deadly pandemic diseases increase during periods of minimal sunspot activity. Gill proved that all malaria pandemics occurred during such periods, and according to Dr. Morrel, epidemic diseases relate strongly with sunspot cycles. Diphtheria, tetanus, and dysentery are triggered in the absence of sunspots.
Dr. Robert Becker and Dr. Freedman proved how changes in the Sun increase psychopathic activity. Some scientists also relate sunspots with droughts and rains and the geomagnetic results with heart attacks, epileptic seizures, and growth hormone disorders. Their studies showed that immunoglobulin levels decreased at the end of the 11-year sunspot cycles. Other research has show a relationship between solar activity and intravascular pressure, and statistical evidence has been provided that shows a relationship between sunspot cycles and femur fractures.
During solar blazes, the particles that carry huge amounts of energy are oscillating, and this energy can be dangerous for astronauts in the upper atmosphere or space if they are not sufficiently protected. This is also dangerous for airplanes flying over polar routes, because the magnetic field of the Earth is weaker there, so passengers can be exposed to radiation from these charged particles. These particles can damage chromosomes, cause cancer, and even cause instant death. Our scientists are discovering the relationship between magnetism and the health and welfare of living organisms. These influences are important on a personal level, but the global effect will influence individuals more.
Humans and other living beings are in an on-going relationship with the Earth’s magnetic field. Any change in the Earth’s field affects our individual fields. All small fields tend to be attuned with the larger field’s frequency, but individual differences affect this influence. The different sensitivities of different people should be searched for in their natal charts.
The natural forces causing differences in the Earth’s magnetic field do not create the events in our lives—we do. The energy created by the planetary aspects and combinations stimulates the human nervous system and makes us act, so through this electromagnetic stimulation we show the attitudes and moods that are dominant in our personalities. Our reactions are related to our individual levels of awareness and our perceptions of responsibility. While some of us are subjective and reactive, others act with awareness and are objective. Some sensitive people may be influenced more than others, and they may become hyperactive or aggressive. Acting rationally or irrationally is our choice. Of course, the planetary aspects in our natal charts are important for the shaping of our conscious or unconscious reactions.
People react differently to the small and continuous changes, and this may be due to the geomagnetic patterns affected by the planetary positions at the time of birth. Each geomagnetic pattern is different and creates different reactions in different people. We could claim that astrology observes geomagnetic patterns and attitudes. All ancient astrologers worked on defining the influences of the planets on humans. In short, solar activity is affected by the positions of the planets, and they create changes in the geomagnetic field. Human health and attitudes, weather conditions, and natural events are all affected.
Geomagnetic Activity and our Health
Geomagnetic activity is classified into four levels: calm, restless, active, and stormy. Recent studies showed that changes in geomagnetic activity can affect the cardiovascular and other bodily systems. Geomagnetic storms caused by solar flares affect the heart, causing pyknemia and other cardiovascular problems. In addition, whales and other animals can have difficulty navigating.
We know solar activity affects the human consciousness. Solar flares affect the central nervous system, all brain activities, human behavioral patterns, and all our psychophysiological (mental, emotional, and physical) reactions.
A certain level of solar flares causes us to feel nervous, anxious, scrupulous, stressed, tired, and restless, and we may suffer from vertigo and nausea. Some people may become forgetful, and some may experience palpitations. Some may feel a long-lasting pressure on the head and suffer from headaches. Research shows that people suffer from heavy migraine attacks during active or stormy geomagnetic activity.
To summarize, anxiety and restlessness increase during solar storms and geomagnetic fluctuations. Intensive solar activity leads to more accidents, diseases, and murders and other crimes. Aleksandr Leonidovich Tchijevsky, a Russian scientist, observed that when a huge amount of energy was dispersed, the human nervous system is affected more than before. The increasing solar activities cause psychological problems. Some of these attitudes are associated with the effects of the full moon, but Dr. Robert Becker and Dr. Freedman claimed that changes in the Sun cause psychopathic reactions. During active geomagnetic storms, humans display changes in their attitudes, and anxiety, worry, and the number of suicides increase. An increase in geomagnetic activity also causes problems with blood pressure, reproduction, the immune system, and the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
According to Michen Gouqelin, a researcher and author, the biological cycles of humans are related to the planets. His supporters, Professor Hanns Jurgen Eysenck and David Nias, stated that distortions and particle emissions were related with biological influences. Dr. Laura and John Ashton claim the pineal gland is highly sensitive to changes in the electromagnetic field. Biological systems may be barely attuned to the rapid and frequent changes in the magnetic fields, but if the changes are intense yet systematic, adaptation will be easier.
The statistics from recent years show not only natural disasters but also wars, terrorist acts, and epidemic diseases being linked to solar and geomagnetic activity. Scientists Eysenck and Nias claim the distortions in the Sun and its particle emissions are linked to biological influences. Solar activities probably manifest any preexisting conditions. We may witness the old, patient biological systems being corrected by solar activity, and those who become attuned with the radiation will survive and gain strength within this evolutionary process.
In his article Brought Down by the Sun, which was published in New Scientist in January, 1991, Ralph Estling stated how intense sunspot activities increase the number of hydrogen nuclei on protons, so during magnetic storms, the amount of ozone and auroras increases, and radio transmissions and nervous systems are affected. Thoughts affect the ions in the brain and body, with each thought prompting an electrical charge in our brain and nervous system.
Magnetic influences can change our physiological, perceptional, and emotional reactions, as well as increase our potential for violence, changing the normal course of events in the world. According to Dr. Buryl Payne, aggressive attitudes, chaos, accidents, and diseases increase when magnetic storms and solar flares increase.
The Preventive Solar Activities
We have emphasized how the Earth is surrounded by an invisible geomagnetic field called the magnetosphere. This layer is 20 to 30 times bigger than the Earth and it acts like a shield, protecting us from solar storms. When solar activities decrease, the Van Allen Belt (the protective layer of the Earth) weakens. This belt consists of two torus-shaped layers of electrically charged particles coming mostly from the solar wind.
The inner layer of the Van Allen Belt is formed of high-energy protons at 700 to 6,000 km above the Earth’s surface and an outer layer formed of electrons at 15,000 to 25,000 km high. It enables the Earth’s magnetic field to preserve its stability. Low solar activity threatens the belt, because the ratio of protons and electrons can change. This means we need solar flares, because this protective belt can only maintain its effectiveness with the help of solar activity.
When powerful geomagnetic storms shake the Earth’s magnetic field, as a reaction, this magnetic field completely surrounds the Earth and protects it from the harmful particles. The magnetic field of the Earth is a very complicated variable. It changes according to solar activity; the rotations of the Sun, Moon and Earth; and the planetary alignments. The Sun continuously emits particles and different frequency waves, and when these hit the Earth, they change its magnetic field. Positively charged particles turn in one direction, while negatively charged particles turn in the opposite direction and tour around the Earth.
Sunspots do not directly affect the Earth, but solar storms blow the particles (electrons and protons), ultraviolet rays, and x-rays toward it. These rays could destroy us if the Earth did not have its magnetic field. Fortunately, the magnetosphere of our planet quickly reacts to such threats and filters them. If there were no protective layers around the Earth, the Sun’s rays would burn away all life. The Earth’s atmosphere protects us from the Sun’s harmful rays, as well as other harmful rays originating from the cosmos. It reflects or turns some of them away and absorbs others.
The Elements that Incite the Sun: The Planets
In addition to the Sun, all the planets, including the Earth, carry high electrical currents, and the magnetic energy waves they emit enter the Earth’s magnetic field and biosphere. The Earth’s magnetosphere is highly sensitive to these powers, and each planet has a different influence on it. Although the planets emit electromagnetic rays directly, we do not know to what extent they are effective. As the planets spread electromagnetic energy in all directions, they not only affect the Sun and the Earth; they also affect each other. Research also proves that sunspots are not only caused by solar conditions, but they are also triggered by the positions of the planets. This research showed how solar activity and changes in the magnetic field of the Earth are affected by the positions of the planets. The gravitational waves of the planets distort the magnetic field of the Sun and the Earth’s magnetosphere.
Electromagnetic radiation spread by the planets affects the inner portions of the Sun under certain conditions, and this helps sunspots to occur. The gravitational force of the planets affects the formation of sunspots and triggers solar flares. All this demonstrates how the planets emit some kind of electromagnetic waves, and their gravitational forces function as a trigger. The planets exert their influences through alignments. When two or more planets create aspects with each other at 0, 90, and 180 degrees, they affect solar activity and the conditions on Earth.
Studies on this issue started in the 19th century when scientists related solar activities with the different planets. In the 1860s, W.A. Norton, an American astronomer and professor at Yale University, claimed that Jupiter and Venus were responsible for sunspots. In 1869 and 1870, a British astronomer came across other findings: Jupiter–Venus combinations were not the only ones responsible for the formation of sunspots; Venus–Mercury, Mars–Jupiter, and Mercury alone were also responsible.
Professor Balfour Stewart, who studied meteorology and magnetism and was the author of The Unseen Universe, claimed sunspot cycles were linked to the positions of the planets. John H. Nelson, an engineer who was consulted on the transmission of radio waves in the USA, discovered that radio parasites increased when the planets made 0-, 90- and, 180-degree aspects with each other. When the Sun and the planets had 0/90/180-degree aspects, solar activity increased. When at least three planets had such aspects, with a tolerance of five degrees, solar storms increased, so a theory was developed about when radio waves would be affected.
John H. Nelson stated how the planetary aspects that caused magnetic storms took form on March 23, 1940 and ended on April 23, 1940, a period when shortwave radio transmissions were interrupted. According to Nelson, Jupiter and Saturn are the most important planets in our solar system. Because of their huge physical sizes and slow motions, they have a long-lasting and dominant affect on the Sun, so their aspects with other planets are particularly important.
Nelson stated that solar storms, sunspots, and geomagnetic disturbances could be predicted with a heliocentric view rather than with the geocentric view as used in astrology. The planetary alignment diagram he prepared looked similar to an astrological chart, despite him not knowing astrology, and his findings supported the teachings of astrologers. As a result, he has been a guest speaker at many astrology conferences since.
According to Nelson, conjunctions (0°), squares (90°), and oppositions (180°) cause disturbances in long-wave radio transmissions, whereas sextiles (60°) and trines (120°) are positive planetary alignments in terms of radio waves. Nelson also emphasized how aspects with multiples of 15° and 18° also caused solar activities. Seeing how Nelson was successful in observing the planetary alignments, the aspects between Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus were observed. It was concluded that the cycles of these planets were important for events in the business world (a 68% correlation). Nelson saw that although the outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—have a small gravitational affect on the Sun, their capacity to cause magnetic storms is huge, so he claimed these planets can also trigger solar flares via a mechanism unknown to us.
Following Nelson’s research into the relationship between solar activity and planetary alignments, Huntington, Clayton, and Sanford studied the relationship between magnetic storms and the current planetary positions.
Dr. Jane Blizard, a researcher from Denver University who also worked for NASA in the 1960s, stated that conjunctions (0°), oppositions (180°), and some squares (90°) between the planets cause powerful solar flares. Blizard claimed she could make long-term assumptions about solar activity. According to Blizard, proton events were linked to the positions of Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Earth, and these planets could affect the tides in the Sun. There was not enough information about how planetary positions affected solar activity, but her method was valuable.
An article published by New York Science Academia in 1973 was based on the same subject: “Astrologers talk about conjunctions, oppositions, houses, and phases, which makes scientists angry. However, this negative attitude should be stopped now. A space scientist from Colorado University proved the relationship between the planets’ positions and sunspot activities, which occur in 11.1-year cycles. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Jupiter are said to be causing the tidal waves in the Sun.”
In the 1990s, Dr. Percy Seymour claimed the origins of astrology were based on the planets’ effects on the Earth’s magnetic field. According to Seymour, it is unknown how the planets’ motions affect the Earth’s magnetic field, but there is some evidence for this influence. Seymour, who is the author of Scientific Basis of Astrology and Scientific Proof of Astrology, stated the planetary alignments, as well as some geometric positioning of these planets with the Sun, played a role in the creation of sunspots and powerful solar activities.
We Are also Affected
Seymour’s theory also supported Jane Blizard’s theory, which claimed that the heliocentric alignments of the planets at 0, 90 and 180 degrees with each other and the Sun caused powerful distortions in the Sun. According to Seymour, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune caused shifts in the Sun’s magnetic field and its rotational direction. The resonances of these planets enlarge and also cause changes in the Earth’s magnetic field. If we apply this magnetic wave resonance to the Earth’s magnetosphere, we could say the planets directly affect the Earth’s magnetic field. So, the Earth’s magnetic field is not only indirectly affected by the planets through solar storms, but it is also affected directly by the planets. The wave effects of the planets may be weak, but magnetic resonance could increase their power. The magnetic channels of the Sun have the capacity to increase the weaker powers of the planets. These magnetic channels (magnetic power fields) spread vibrations like the string of a violin and increase the resonance of the planets.
In the 1990s, Dr. Buryl Payne discovered that some planetary combinations were related to sunspot maximums, while others were related with the minimums. According to Payne, solar storms are linked with intricate planetary alignments.
In 2007, Ching-Cheh, a scientist from NASA, claimed in his article Apparent Relations between Solar Activity and Solar Tides Caused by the Planet that sunspot cycles were affected by the changes in the tidal waves of the planets. To prove this, he observed how 28 out of 35 strongest solar flares occurred when one or more effective planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Jupiter) were in conjunction (<10°) or in opposition (180°) with the Sun. He claimed the alignments of Venus, Earth, and Jupiter were periodically similar to the Schwabe sunspot cycles of 11 years.
Research shows that when many planets align at 0, 90, or 180 degrees, with the Sun in the center, solar activity intensifies. Solar flares are usually related with the indirect gravity of the planets. When the Sun is at the center of two such planets, and if the planets are at optimum positions, its energy increases, so the core of the Sun is stimulated.
Because of the electromagnetic radiation of the planets and their combined gravitational power, the Earth’s core is affected as well. According to Frank Glasby, author of Planets, Sunspots and Earthquakes, this gravitational effect is not direct but rather at a tangent to the direct gravity line. This position should be triggered by a tidal effect to stimulate activity. Earthquakes occur because of two or more planets being pulled in the same direction, but being pulled in opposite directions can also sometimes cause earthquakes. Planetary radiation also creates extra heat and fluctuation.
The main determinants of solar activity are the slow-moving planets, those with wider orbits: Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter. These planets cause shifts in the Sun’s magnetic field, changing its direction, and by doing so, they play a role in disturbing the magnetic channels of the Sun.
Uranus and Neptune are the slowest planets, because their alignments remain for a longer period and their effects are long term. The tour of Uranus lasts approximately 84 years, and Neptune’s tour takes nearly 165 years. The conjunctions, squares, and oppositions of these two planets affect solar activity. During these alignments, the alignments of the other planets also affect solar activity. Uranus aligns with Neptune once every 180 years, and this is related with a long cycle made up of two shorter cycles of 90 years each.
The alignments of Jupiter and Saturn are effective in solar activities that occur in 11-year cycles, because these two planets cause convection currents in the Sun and they are responsible for changing the polarity of sunspots. The research shows the oppositions and conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn are important because they complete magnetic changes. On the other hand, the squares of these two planets coincide with solar maximums.
The planetary alignments also affect the length of sunspot cycles. As solar maximums are linked with the alignments of the slow-moving planets, they may cause solar maximums that last for a longer time. When these planets make aspects of 0, 90, and 180 degrees with each other, they have a triggering effect on solar activity, and this effect continues until the aspect disappears.
Some researchers discovered how geomagnetic activities took place when the b-number of sunspots increased or decreased. This activity was also related with solar flares and coronal holes. I personally believe planetary positions are important in this activity. As I mentioned before, the increase in the number of sunspots is often linked with the positions of the planets, and this causes an increase in geomagnetic activity. The planets may promote flares in the Sun with their gravitational powers. During magnetic shifts caused by geomagnetic storms, we know that crime, chaos, accidents, attacks of psychosis, short-term memory problems, palpitations, vertigo, headaches, heart attacks, and other diseases increase. Aggressive attitudes, family violence, and terrorism also increase during magnetic storms and solar flares.