(The second part of our interview with Oner Doser about heliocentric astrology. Here is the first part.)
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
You mentioned an article before we began this interview. Could you give some details for our readers?
Öner Döşer:
Certainly, there is a section in Dr. Percy Seymour’s book that explains this subject simply: Magnetic distortions in the Sun are visible as spots on its surface when we look at it from the Earth. These spots are caused by  inner distortions in the Sun and distortions resulting from planetary alignments. Some of these spots are two or three times larger than the Earth. Even if they seem tiny from here, they are much larger than we might think.
Aycan Aşkım Saroğlu:
So the planets affect the magnetic field of the Sun?
Yes, they distort the Sun’s magnetic field. They even affect the shift of the Sun’s magnetic field, which we expect to happen sometime soon.
The shift of magnetic fields? You also wrote an article about that. It sounded as if the Sun would reverse.
People thought the Sun will reverse because of some articles in the press, but it’s the Sun’s magnetic poles that shift every 11 years—the Sun itself does not reverse. The same is also true for the Earth, but it takes centuries for the Earth’s magnetic poles to shift. It is the same story: The Earth does not reverse, but its electromagnetic fields do periodically shift.
Does this mean that a compass would point South instead of North?
Exactly. We would perceive this shift as a change in the direction shown by a compass. For example, if I remember well, the North Magnetic Pole has been gradually shifting from Northern Canada toward Russia. We currently experience this pole shift. By the way, the two magnetic poles of the Sun do not necessarily shift at the same time, and at the moment, the North Magnetic Pole of the Sun has already shifted as of August 2012. We expect the South Magnetic Pole to shift as well, so it is being closely observed. As regards what will happen, it will not be the end of the world, because it is a regular 11-year cycle. When the poles shift, we see mass scatters and larger sunspots. Every 11 years, we experience a solar maximum, which is when solar activity is at a peak. The number of sunspots sometimes increases and sometimes decreases. However, NASA scientists are anxious, because in 1859, an astronomer named Richard Christopher Carrington observed flames suddenly spouting from the Sun. After a solar Flare, the spouts from the solar corona are observable a few days after the event.
What happened then?
When the solar winds are directed toward the Earth, things from the Sun are carried to the Earth’s magnetic field.
Are these carried as energy or rays?
No, they’re particles. Hydrogen, helium, iron, oxygen, electrons, and neutrons are pushed toward the Earth and the other planets or out into space. When they reach our planet, it influences the magnetic field and causes a convulsion. This convulsion is what protects us. To explain it a bit further, if there were no solar winds and therefore no convulsions in the Earth’s magnetic field, the radiation belt (the Val Allen Belt) would weaken. Without these activities, we would be vulnerable to harmful cosmic rays, so the solar winds are necessary and useful for us. This is like an exercise you perform to be fit for something. Solar winds are also important because they influence the ionosphere, the layer that helps our evolution.
Does the magnetic field of the Earth weaken during the convulsions? Could it be totally destroyed?
It is believed that this field becomes weaker, and some claim that it could be destroyed totally. Some people argue that the magnetic poles may shift suddenly, while others claim that the poles have not shifted within the last 750 years. No one knows what will happen exactly, but natural catastrophes could be a consequence.
I think the Earth may not be a living planet anymore.
I think the Earth would still exist, but I do not know what would happen to us. From what I read about the research of Percy Seymour, John Nelson, and Jane Blizard**, as well as some Japanese scientists, I reached a conclusion: Some heliocentric planetary alignments cause turbulences in the Sun’s magnetic field and on the Earth’s as well. The planets cause turbulences in the Earth’s magnetic field directly, so we are affected by both the Sun and by the planets. Dr. Percy Seymour says, “Some physicians ask how planets cause distortions in the Sun. However, the Sun has magnetic channels which increase the influences of the waves. With the help of these channels, the magnetic influences are increased. Solar winds influence the Earth’s magnetic field, and this magnetic field influences us, so all our lives are influenced by the Sun and the planets.”
So, we are influenced by the planets through the Sun.
We are influenced both directly and through the Sun. When the planets are in squares, oppositions, and conjunctions with the Sun, we are influenced through the Sun, but planetary influences are not limited to just those aspects. Dr. Percy Seymour claims that various planetary alignments influence the Earth’s magnetic field. I would like to read to you a passage from his book The Scientific Basis of Astrology.
According to my theory, the influences of the planetary tides on the magnetosphere are like magnetic storms. These storms cause severe changes in the magnetic field of the Earth. During these storms, the dimensions of the Earth’s magnetic field change to a great extent and the Earth’s surface also changes. These storms are experienced frequently and severely every 11 years when the sunspot cycles reach their maximum level. Solar storms cause distortions in the magnetosphere and increase magnetic storms in the Earth’s magnetic field. My research shows that solar cycles are influenced by the heliocentric positions and movements of the planets. This is also in line with the ancient astrological knowledge.
Scientists also agree that sunspot cycles influence the Earth’s magnetic field through the solar storms. It is known that they create electrical current on the upper layers of the atmosphere, which causes tidal waves and daily magnetic variation.
Many organisms use the regular and irregular geomagnetic fields for direction finding and attuning the inner body clock. These are all well documented and proven with data. However, the role of the planetary positions and conditions within a heliocentric view is generally ignored. Nevertheless, the positions of the planets, within a geocentric view, at the time of birth influence the character of the subject. This was stated by astrophysicist Percy Seymour, who also worked as an academic at Plymouth University, so I agree that these might be scientifically proven:

  • The planets affect the solar cycle in specific ways.
  • The solar cycle affects the geomagnetic field.
  • The geomagnetic field affects life on Earth in certain, observable ways.

Specifically, many species, including humans, can be influenced by particular states of the geomagnetic field, particular influences seems to correlate with the planetary positions.
I propose that the behavior of a baby at the time of its birth is linked to the cycles within the geomagnetic field, which in turn are influenced by the solar cycle and the positions of the planets. Resonance is the phenomenon by which the baby is phase locked to specific cycles.
To put this into more specific terms, my theory proposes that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune control the direction of the convective motions within the Sun, which then generate the solar magnetic field. They do so because they play a major role in moving the Sun about the common center of mass of the solar system. As the solar cycle builds to a maximum, certain configurations of all the planets, at different stages, play a part in disrupting the magnetic field of the Sun by means of the tidal tug (due to gravitation) of the planets on the hot gases in the Sun.
Thus, the planets play a role in the modulation of the Earth’s magnetic field through the solar wind. I also propose that the tidal tug of the planets on the hot gases trapped within our magnetosphere will, because of resonance, force some of the vibrations in the Earth’s field to be in step with the planetary movements. The resulting fluctuations in the Earth’s field are picked up by the nervous system of the baby, which acts like an antenna, and these synchronize the internal biological clocks of the baby that control the moment of birth. The tuning of the fetal magnetic antenna is carried out by the genes that it inherits, and to some extent, these determine its basic genetically inherited personality characteristics. Thus, the positions of the planets at the moment of birth do not alter what we have inherited genetically, but they do label our inherited basic personality characteristics.
That’s fine, so we have a geomagnetic map like a DNA map. Astrology is not only concerned with predicting the future, it also tells the stories of our lives. It tells us that we are not at the center but rather a part of a system with a contribution within that part. This is really surprising.
Let me give you another example of a sunspot discovery by another scientist. In the book The Sunspot Theory of Business Cycles, we see some claims that changes in sunspots also influence financial movements on Earth. This book claims that the best economic prediction was made in the 19th century by the astronomer Sir William Herschel***, who was not an economist. In his theory, which was presented in 1801 to the Royal Society of London, he claimed that there was a relationship between solar activity and crop prices. He observed the solar activity between 1650 and 1850 and found little or no sunspots correlated with decreased crop production, leading to an increase in crop prices. On the other hand, when there was a great number of sunspots, there was an abundance of crops and the prices decreased. Based on these findings, he predicted future crop prices and got some very accurate results.
We are in a turbulent zone. Is there a relationship between solar activity, solar or lunar eclipses, and natural disasters? Geophysics does not agree with this, but astrologers often warn about them.
There are some statistics for that subject. The correlation between important solar and lunar eclipses and seismic activities is 18–20%, so eclipses cannot be the sole cause. Other planetary alignments and tides are also important, so we should not expect a natural disaster with every solar or lunar eclipse. There is actually a field called astrometeorology, which is little known outside related researchers and specially trained astrologers. Unfortunately, because most astrologers and their followers only deal with the signs, they know nothing of astrometeorology and ask what it’s all about, so let me answer: Astrometeorology was an early form of meteorology, and I will also confess that astrology is an ancestor of astronomy. Ozan Güler, an astrologer colleague of mine, says, “There was no astronomos, but there was astrologos!” We should meditate on that. The scientists who are against astrology should read history better. If astrology had never existed, astronomy would not exist today. Astrologos literally means the logic of the sky and the stars. It is the language of the cosmos. If it didn’t exist, astronomy wouldn’t exist either.
Regarding seismic activities, we see earthquakes occurring more during new moons than full moons, but this does not mean that every new moon will cause an earthquake. The ratios merely show that finding. Also, when most of the planets are gathered on one part of the Zodiac, we see seismic activities increasing. This means that eclipses alone do not provide us with enough evidence. There are many factors related to seismic activities.
Is it true that turbulent aspects between the Sun and the slow planets, such as Uranus and Pluto, disturb the weather? For instance, does it get colder when the Sun is in square with Uranus?
Squares with Uranus and Pluto are related with thunder and lightning, and this information is used in astrometeorology. Within a heliocentric view, when the Earth is aligned with Saturn, the weather gets colder. This is not prophecy but rather a simple observation.
I always emphasize the same thing: We are observers! We observe the events, but we do not necessarily predict them in advance. We can make astrological explanations based on past events, but we do not need to make prophecies. We use astrology to perceive and understand the events.
We use various tools to understand the mechanism behind earthquakes. For instance, we could conclude that the eastern region of Turkey (as Uranus and Pluto transits in those eclipse lines) is prone to seismic activities this year by referring to the geolitic chart drawn up with regard to the latest solar eclipse, the astrolocality charts, and astromapping techniques. We could also conclude that Japan is at risk of a heavy earthquake, because Japan’s astrological chart is also influenced by the solar eclipse of November 3. Yes, we see such risks, but we cannot know them absolutely. We cannot claim there will certainly be an earthquake in Japan—we can just emphasize the risk.
To conclude, I would like to thank both of you for this enlightening interview.
* Richard Christopher Carrington was a British amateur astronomer. He discovered much about solar activity, and his discoveries directly led to the discovery of the 11-year activity cycle.
** Dr. Jane Blizard is a researcher and physician at Denver University.
*** Sir William Herschel was a Hanoverian-born British astronomer, technical expert, and composer. He became famous for his discovery of Uranus, along with its two major moons, Titania and Oberon. He also discovered two moons of Saturn, Encladus and Mimas. In addition, he also discovered the existence of infrared radiation.

Öner Döşer