Part 1: Where Are Those UFOs?
It took us many years to accept the fact that the Earth is a planet revolving around the Sun, and so many lives were lost for this cause. Remember the Middle Ages when the Earth was considered the center of the universe? The whole Universe was believed to revolve around it. Thanks to the development of science, we have now captured the truth. Unfortunately, in our subconscious, the old same belief persists. In other words, subconsciously, we still go on believing the Earth is the center. Why? The reason lies in our extremely egocentric view that “whatever exists, exists only for mankind.” This extends further to our own individual egocentricity and the conviction that in fact we are the center of the Universe.
After all, what we call collective conscience is the sum total of our thoughts. Not knowing oneself results in a deep emptiness which causes an extreme egocentricity. Someone unaware of their place in life and in the universe withdraws and retires within themselves. Hence, we come to believe the universe exists within the shell we have created. As man inhabiting the Earth, this is exactly what we have done. Since we know not our standing on earth and in the universe, we have withdrawn. We have placed ourselves in the center, and we shape our lives and environment accordingly. Of course with such feelings, it is quite impossible for us to accept the existence of other beings on other planets, for we approach in fear that which we cannot control. We fear all that is outside our known conventions.
Our present disposition is no different than the caveman who feared the lightening. To be able to accept an idea, we must first be fully acquainted with it. That’s why I think there is a reason why UFO’s appear and disappear. They do so merely to get us acquainted.
Balance Is Everything
Of course, there exists yet another method in the change or development of mankind, and it would be an unexpected shock. In other words, one morning we wake up to see spaceships saluting us in all the capitals. Of course, such a scene would cause deep trauma and it would certainly upset the balance of our world. To set the balance right again, the only way would be to counterattack. At this point of course, fear is going to take over because humankind has been dwelling in a culture of fear. The next step in trying to overcome this fear and to again feel secure would be to attack.
This same instinct can be illustrated with the example of the caveman throwing stones at the alien. Of course, one could desire a scene where we are having a friendly tea with an alien or even an amiable conversation about where he was from. The conversation would continue in such a manner, and we could inquire whether we could buy land and if our grandchildren could prosper. We could even go further as to take the alien to a Turkish bath. Yet, we know this would be impossible. Our present collective conscience would not allow it.
Of course one wonders…“Why care about conscience! The aliens already watch us. They can also see we are in need of help. Why won’t they just come down?” Conversely, “Aren’t there dark forces among them? Why don’t they just invade?” The second alternative would be the normal choice, the expected choice of humankind.
As we saw in the movie Avatar, had we found an inhabitable, resourceful new planet, we would certainly exploit it to the full. If we have no respect and interest in our own planet, we cannot be expected to respect another. If only we could find one such planet, how thoroughly we could exploit and plunder it. In fact, lacking technology, we are only squatters. Yet there exists an order in our universe, even beyond our comprehension. Since we still refrain from believing in the existence of extra-terrestrials, how can we grasp the communication and the political social structure they possess? Let me put forward a fantasy: Maybe there are different forces that prevent those dark forces from occupying our planet, thus securing its balance and order.
Here’s yet another theory: By refusing to acknowledge their existence, we are in fact being protected from all kinds of aliens. Or maybe, there are no aliens and I am talking mere nonsense.
What If They Don’t Exist?
I will always remember the words of Carl Sagan who said that if we were alone in this universe what a waste it was. I personally do not believe this waste. When the right time comes, and when we are ready, we will encounter many a developed civilizations, beginning with those in our solar system. I also believe that mankind by then will have learned, and thus accepted, his own existence and the value of this existence will continue to go on with this new understanding. I believe the greater the number of people there are who “know themselves,” the easier it will be to survive this phase. I hope I shan’t be proven wrong.
Part 2: The Good Earthling vs. the Bad Extraterrestrial
In the documentary Into the Universe, world famous Stephen Hawking said that there exists too billion galaxies in the universe. In each of these galaxies there exist 100 billion stars. He goes on to say that according to his mathematical reasoning even that is sound proof that extraterrestrials do exist. Hence, the main premise is that if these life forms could cause a threat, then to enter any sort of communication might have devastating results. A possible visit by aliens might resemble the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. As you may remember, the outcome of this discovery had not benefited the natives of America.
Columbus Discovers America
In fact, the discovery had catastrophic results for the natives of the land. An empire as gigantic as the Aztec’s was destroyed by 500 Spanish warriors. The leader of the warriors was immortalized as the “conqueror.” North American natives were also subjected to massacre and the survivors ended up mere “foreigners” selling souvenirs. Our civilization laden with such “honorable” conquests in its history now fears similar conquest. If you follow the news on the media attentively, the discussion whether extraterrestrials exist is coming to an end. The ongoing discussion now is more like…yes, there are extraterrestrials, but we don’t know who they are. Furthermore, we are in constant fear lest they are evil.
In fact, we pray and hope they are not like us. For we know very well who we are; even though, we have hid away our murderous acts by defining them as great heroic deeds of glory. In the past few days, a professor showed a caricature which depicted man and his weapons throughout history. It started with the bow and arrow and ended with the nuclear bomb. The respected professor questioned for whom the nuclear arms were invented? Yes, for whom were they invented? Not for whom, but only to protect ourselves from aliens or to hunt deer? The answer is in fact clear to us all. We invented them to kill each other, to threaten one another.
We built them to prove we are stronger—to say if the need arises, I will wipe out all to prove I am the stronger. We shun the youth who shout out loud their power on the street. Yet on the other hand, when our nation announces the aim to wipe out all, we hail in joy. We are so inclined! We know very well that on our first encounter (with extraterrestrials) we will think they have come to conquer because if we were in their position, so would be our aim. If they looked friendly, then we would wonder how to exploit them.
The First Encounter
Just imagine a group from outer space is to land on earth tomorrow with banners saying “we are friendly.” Our first reaction will be to collect all our weapons of war. Our reaction will be very similar to the caveman faced with a wild animal. It is in our genes. First you threaten, then test, and suppose we are persuaded in their friendly ambitions. Then our next move would be to maneuver a few into a lab where we will dissect them. We will also try to decipher their advanced technology.
If they are stronger, we will need to gain access to their technology. Upon the request about a few of their holdings, we will try to question them about their planet’s underground minerals and the natural resources. If the aliens prove naïve enough, we might even try to gather troops and send them to these planets using their ships. Once there we will inquire whether a conquest is within possibility.
In the meantime, we have already imprisoned those who have landed. If there are protests against our moves by our own kind, we will disperse them by force and use tear gas. On TV, our leaders would make speeches about how we will bring democracy and freedom to those planets. To make all these sound plausible, a few of our kind could be killed, placing blame on the aliens. Then the inhabitants of the earth would cry out vengeance because no crime shall go unpunished.
Do you think this is too pessimistic a scenario? Come forth those that can prove otherwise! While in the process of destroying our planet and each other, how can you expect anything different? I want to add to the words of Hawking by alerting these “friendly” civilizations: Human life form poses a great threat to you! Please stay away from us. Yet, if you still decide to visit, come knowing the truth about us. Be forewarned and be prepared.