Humanity may be growing increasingly more “intelligent” every day, but the sad thing is how the world also gets crazier at the same time.
The human race is becoming more and more civilized, but we encounter social hysteria that we label as uncivilized. It’s the great human paradox…
Humanity is doing all it can to be “happy.” All its clever inventions are intended to reach a “better” life. It continuously works on its collective mind to make the world a “healthier” place. It applies its entire efforts toward making a “good life.”
Unfortunately, we become increasingly depressed. The good, healthy, and long life we crave for seems to always elude us…
The world is getting more stressed, dirtier, and generally worse…
While trying to “clean” the world, we continuously pollute it. Sure, we have cleaner homes now, but even though dirt is a natural part of life, we are so afraid of it that we invent new detergents that add more pollution. We believe we will be healthier if we count our steps and the calories we eat and try to ignore the stress on us. We run and cycling endlessly, wondering why our minds never leave us in peace. We ask for peace in the world, but we are in constant struggle with ourselves. And the saddest part of it all: While we pray for world peace, a time comes when we find ourselves wishing for the death of our “enemies.”
We have a world full of people who are growing increasingly more insane.
One particular characteristic among this insane crowd is how they think they know “it,” whatever “it” may be. The subject could be faith, politics, economics, or even art—they stick to their ideas relentlessly. They do have some valid reasoning for this stubborn attitude: Humanity has become more and more “intelligent,” or in other words, more and more a slave to its “intelligence.”
Their next prevalent attitude is how they believe all “others” are stupid. This radical way of thinking has created “radical” minorities, based on who is seen to be “intelligent” or “stupid.”
Both groups of these radicals, whether they are labelled intelligent or stupid, are no longer able to notice the meaning of existence, because they are too busy arguing, fighting, or chasing the things they believe will make them “happy.” They’re probably running away from all their fears and anxieties. For some, happiness is attainable in this world, while others believe it comes in the afterlife. Some fear dying, while others are in a constant battle with life…
They all think they are different to each other, but they have one more thing in common: They all blame the “others” for making life on Earth an unworthy ordeal. None of them accept any blame, and they all deny that we all created this world that we now grumble about.
The civilized part of us has tried to civilize what it has labelled “uncivilized” for centuries, disregarding the notion that people can choose to exist differently. They even made these people believe they were primitive, lesser beings for many years. This part of us was pleased to have control over these “uncivilized others,” but it cannot now tolerate these people now wanting to bring their own rules into the game, themselves thinking they now possess the one and only truth…
The world is one. All the seas, oceans, and lands are one. We forget how we carved them up and gave them names. We created arbitrary borders and nations within them. Religion, meanwhile, has preached the same notion since its inception: We are one! Yet humanity always preferred to think that it was the one.
We are all one! If a part of us suffers, we all suffer.
We are all becoming actors in the drama we have watched on television for years. It happens during dinnertime or between the entrée and dessert, regardless of how civilized or intelligent we believe ourselves to be.
We are reaping the consequences of what we have sown, although many of us hate this idea…
Maybe we will really feel the essence of these lyrics in our hearts one day:
We are the world…
We are the ones who make a brighter day…

Elif Barut