There is a more positive way of looking at history than in the context of who fought which wars or invaded and became the leader of which countries.
That way of regarding history tells us that humanity has remained really childish.  I believe most children have played the game; “I’m the king of the castle and you’re a dirty rascal!” If we look at newspapers or read history books it appears that humanity at large is still stuck in these childhood games. Just the other day for example, Trump sent out a tweet saying that: “Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” This tweet of course sparked intense debate and fears of a demented world leader starting a third world war!
I offer here another vision of history, an Enlightened vision. Instead of remembering and honouring political leaders and warmongers of all kinds, let us turn our attention towards the Enlightened ones and how they have benefitted humanity.

Being With A Master

It was my great good fortune to sit at Osho’s feet from 1973 till his death in 1990. During those years, he gave hundreds of discourses on the many enlightened beings that have graced this Earth. In this way, I was introduced to another version of history, one that brings so much richness and appreciation of humanity’s potential for genius, love and compassion. It is one of the greatest legacies of Osho, to have introduced to the world for posterity, a deeper understanding of the mystical geniuses who have graced this planet. These enlightened beings are in fact our greatest heritage.
When an Enlightened one dies, their light and love remain in the ether, available for future generations to tap into and be uplifted by. Each Enlightened being functions as a portal through which we have access to Universal Consciousness.
Being with a Master is a love affair. Who can say why a person is attracted to this master, or to another one? Similar to falling in love with a woman or with a man, we are magnetically drawn towards the Master who will best suit our unique being on multiple levels.
I remember hearing Osho say that the way to know if a Master is right for you is: If you feel that your heart is expanding and growing wings, this is a right master for you. If you feel your heart shrinking, then this will be a wrong master for you. This attraction goes beyond the physical. Even after a Master’s death, people still can be initiated into the Master’s spiritual lineage and be benefitted from his non-physical presence.
I offer some examples:

Hermes Trismegistus 

Hermes was a King, a Philosopher, an Alchemist and a Spiritual Master of great renown in Egypt in the very ancient world. Some say he lived 9000 years ago and was the originator of the Emerald Tablet, revered by Egyptian Mystery Schools and reputed to contain the three dimensions of wisdom regarding the whole universe. There is much speculation about him and no definitive proof. However, his Hermetic writings have and continue to hold a powerful influence in the Western world.

He taught the alchemy of transcendence and revealed the ways and means to have an overview of our dual world, moving into a non-dual state of being. His teachings inspired the Middle Eastern and European tradition of the Magi (also known as magicians). There was a division in his followers, some who followed his wisdom teachings for the greatest good of all beings and for the Earth (the Gnostics) and some who twisted his teachings into black magic and manipulation of the masses (the Illuminati). Unfortunately, The Gnostic wise people were exterminated and the Illuminati gained power over much of the earth, which they still hold secretly to this day.
Osho spoke on the Great Law of Magic in his book, My Way the Way of the White Clouds. In this discourse he encapsulates in just a few sentences the entire transmission of Hermes. It is certainly an awesome methodology.
Osho says:
“Choose happiness – that means you are choosing the effect – and then see what happens. Choose ecstasy and see what happens. Choose to be blissful and see what happens. Your whole life will change immediately and you will see miracles happening around you – because now you have created the effect and causes will have to follow.
This will look magical; you can even call it the law of magic. The first is the law of science and the second is the law of magic. Religion is magic, and you can be the magician. That’s what I teach you: to be the magician, to know the secret of magic.
Try it! You have been trying the other your whole life – not only this but many other lives also. Now listen to me! Try this magic formula, this mantra I give to you. Create the effect and see what happens; causes immediately surround you, they follow. Don’t wait for the causes; you have waited long enough. Choose happiness and you will be happy.”
Wikepedia says:
“Hermetic tradition” refers to alchemy, magic, astrology, and related subjects. The texts are usually divided into two categories: the philosophical and the technical Hermetica. The former deals mainly with philosophy and the latter with practical magic, potions, and alchemy.”
A quote attributed to Hermes says:
“If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like.
Leap clear of all that is corporeal and make yourself grown to a like expanse with that greatness which is beyond all measure; rise above all time and become eternal; then you will apprehend God.
Think that for you too, nothing is impossible; deem that you too are immortal, and that you are able to grasp all things in your thought, to know every craft and science; find your home in the haunts of every living creature; make yourself higher than all heights and lower than all depths; bring together in yourself all opposites of quality, heat and cold, dryness and fluidity; think that you are everywhere at once, on land, at sea, in heaven; think that you are not yet begotten, that you are in the womb, that you are young, that you are old, that you have died, that you are in the world beyond the grave; grasp in your thought all of this at once, all times and places, all substances and qualities and magnitudes together; then you can apprehend God.”

The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

This is a scripture attributed to Lord Shiva. It was most likely part of an oral tradition and then written down about 5000 years ago. Osho has given us two volumes of discourses on the 112 sutras contained in this scripture. Osho’s discourses on this subject are in ‘The Book Of Secrets’.

The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is the most valuable scripture in the world in my opinion because it is simply offering practical methods for attaining expanded consciousness. It is not giving dogma, theory or a set of beliefs, just methods. By practicing the methods, your own innate wisdom will begin bubbling up and overflowing into every aspect of your life.
The storyline for the Scripture is Devi (Shiva’s Consort) sitting in his lap and asking him questions about life, love and spirituality. Each one of Shiva’s 112 answers is in sutra form and constitutes one method of meditation.
Devi Asks Shiva:
“O Shiva, what is your reality?
What is this wonder filled universe?
What constitutes seed?
Who centers the universal wheel?
What is this life beyond form pervading forms?
How may we enter it fully, 
above space and time, names and descriptions?
Let my doubts be cleared!”
When we go deeply into the practice of Shiva’s methods we begin to realise that the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra has seeded many of the world’s religions. Perhaps a seeker of truth stumbled on one or more of the methods and through this, became enlightened. He then began teaching it and by and by this became the foundation of a new religion. For example, Buddha’s Vipassana is from the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, as are methods of Bhakta, Sufism, Pythagoras, Atisha, Zen and so on….
I teach the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Retreat each year in Dharamsala, India in Osho Nisarga, a center at the foothills of the Himalayas. I have been teaching this retreat there for many years and each time it gives me immense joy to again be immersed in these meditations. Each of the techniques is a masterpiece, and we can feel the Enlightened being who gave birth to these sutras was of the highest calibre. We can still feel the vibrant aliveness of Shiva and Devi through the sutras and through the practice of the methods.
Osho says in his Book of Secrets:
“Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is five thousand years old. It is the most ancient and yet the latest, yet the newest. Old like the hills, the methods seem eternal; and yet they are new like the dewdrop before the sun, because they are so fresh.”
“These 112 methods are for the whole of humanity-for all the ages that have passed, and for all the ages that have yet to come.”
A selection of 3 Sutras from the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
“Attention between eyebrows, let mind be before thought. Let form fill with breath essence to the top of the head and there shower as light.”
“At the start of sexual union keep attentive on the fire in the beginning, and so continuing, avoid the embers in the end.”
“O Shakti, each particular perception is limited, disappearing in Omnipotence.”


Lived about 5000 years ago. He is one of the most passionately loved and revered Masters of all time. His story is very romantic. Having been raised with cowherds, he grew up to become a Spiritual Master and a King with far reaching power and influence. During his teenage years, it is said he had 15,000 girlfriends, with the most prominent being his Soul Mate, Radha. He played the flute in the forests of Vrindavan, which the women of the surrounding countryside found absolutely irresistible. They would spend hours in Ras Leela, intoxicated on the divine presence of Krishna.

His religion is purely Bhakti, based on love and devotion. To this day, devotees of Krishna dance and sing in large gatherings, calling his name over and over in an ecstasy of adoration.
Krishna was also highly influential in the great ‘Mahabharata War’ (also known as the Kurukshetra War), which Osho describes as having broken the backbone of India and from which India never recovered. Even though no one can prove this, it certainly sounds from written accounts in the Mahabharata that nuclear weapons were being used at that time. “Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana (fast aircraft) hurled a single projectile (rocket) charged with the power of the Universe (nuclear device). An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose with its entire splendour.” (There are many more passages in the Mahabharata describing several types of very advanced weapons used in the war.)
Osho has given us a large book on Krishna, the Man and His Philosophy, which is a masterpiece of insight into this enigmatic enlightened being.
Osho says:
“His significance, his greatness lies in the fact that he is all things together, all things rolled into one, all contradictions living hand in hand, and there is a great harmony in all his contradictions. He can play the flute and he can dance, and with the same ease he can fight his enemy in the battlefield with his chakra, his wheel-like weapon. And there is no contradiction between the two roles. He can play pranks with the girls of his village, running away with their clothes when they are bathing in the river, and he can also make the most profound statements like in the Geeta.
He can be a thief and a perfect yogi together. Krishna is one person in so many diverse roles — and that is his grandeur, his glory. And this is the uniqueness of Krishna, his individuality. You will not find it in Rama, Buddha, Mahavira or Jesus Christ. Krishna is a blending of contradiction, a beautiful synthesis of all contradictions. I say so for the reason that I don’t find these contradictions to be really contradictory. In fact, all of life’s truth is a blending, a synthesis of contradictions. The whole of life is based on contradictions, and there is no discordance in those contradictions; rather, there is full accord, absolute harmony among them.”
Some Quotes attributed to Krishna are:
“When a person responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were his own, he has attained to the highest state of spiritual union.”
“Actions do not cling to me because I am not attached to their results. Those who understand this and practice it live in freedom.”
“The body is not yours, neither are you of the body. The body is made of fire, water, air, earth and ether and will disappear into these elements. But the soul is permanent, so who are you?”

Amitabha Buddha

Amitābha is known as “The Buddha of Immeasurable Light and Life”.

He is spoken about by Gautama the Buddha as having lived 2,500 years before Gautama the Buddha. It is said he established a pure land paradise where those who call upon him can go after death to become steeped in Dharma and return to the world as Bodhisattvas for the benefit of all beings. It is said that if his name is recited, anyone whether monk or layperson, can achieve Spiritual Liberation. The way to unite with Amitabha is to recite his name and also to visualise this world as the lotus paradise. Amitabha made a vow to wait at the portal of Enlightenment and not to go through until all beings of our world have become enlightened.
He has great followings of people in Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam and Tibet.
Wikipedia says: “His most important enlightenment technique is the visualization of the surrounding world as a paradise. Who sees his world as a paradise, awakens his enlightenment energy. The world can be seen as a paradise by a corresponding positive thought (enlightenment thought) or by sending light to all beings (wish all beings to be happy). After the Amitābha doctrine, one can come to paradise (in the Pure Land of Amitābha), if they visualize at their death Amitābha in the heaven (sun) over their head (western horizon), think his name as a mantra and leave the body as a soul through the Crown Chakra.”
The mantra for manifesting a connection with Amitabha Buddha and all he represents isOAmideva Hrīḥ pronounced as Om Ami Dewa Hrih.
It is advised by devotees of Amitabha Buddha to recite this mantra 108 times each day.
quote attributed to Amitabha Buddha is:
“Every day, every hour, every minute, every second, whether you are praying, working, driving, cooking, sleeping, eating, lying and even breathing or whatever, learn to be mindful of your thoughts, actions and speech.
Make it a natural way of life and realise the calmness within; feel the happiness that arises and know that anyone can attain this state of calmness.”

Gautama Buddha

He lived 2,500 years ago in Northern India. He was raised as prince Siddartha in great luxury and sensual enjoyments. However, being a seeker at heart, he escaped from the palace when he was 30 years old and went in search of Enlightenment. He tried numerous paths, followed several Gurus, and went deeply into asceticism. Having nearly died from his ascetic practices, he finally let go of all effort to become enlightened and simply witnessed his breath, while sitting under a tree. He slept and as the dawn broke, he entered the enlightened state. He then established a Sangam (spiritual gathering) of monks, who roamed with him in India for over 40 years. His teaching is centered on the spiritual practice of meditation and compassion.

His great tree of spirituality has spread into many branches, covering the whole of the Eastern world. Even today, many people attain Enlightenment using his teachings and techniques. (It is interesting that his principal method, Vipassana is actually one of the methods from the 5000 year-old scripture, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra.)
I once saw a documentary in which a mathematical image mapping of the universe was shown. At the very center of the universe was a clear image of a Buddha seated in Meditation. So evidently, this posture of meditation in which the Buddha is depicted, resonates with the vibration of the core of our universe. Perhaps it is for this reason that so many people have entered universal consciousness while seated in meditation.
Osho has given us many volumes of books on the Dhamapadha (Buddha’s teachings) plus many books on Zen (one of the branches in Buddha’s lineage). For anyone who is attracted to the teachings of Buddha, Osho’s books offer rare insights and stories regarding this mystical path.
Osho Says:
Gautam Buddha’s emphasis on compassion was a very new phenomenon as far as the mystics of old were concerned. Gautam Buddha makes a historical dividing line from the past; before him meditation was enough, nobody had emphasized compassion together with meditation. And the reason was that meditation brings enlightenment, your blossoming, your ultimate expression of being. What more do you need? As far as the individual is concerned, meditation is enough. Gautam Buddha’s greatness consists in introducing compassion even before you start meditating. You should be more loving, more kind, more compassionate.
There is a hidden science behind it. Before a man becomes enlightened, if he has a heart full of compassion there is a possibility that after meditation he will help others to achieve the same beatitude, to the same height, to the same celebration as he has achieved. Gautam Buddha makes it possible for enlightenment to be infectious.”
Quote of Buddha says:
“A generous heart, kind speech and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.”

Lao Tzu

Born in China, Sixth century B.C.E.
Died: Sixth century B.C.E.

Was a great Taoist Master in China. It is said he was born already old, meaning he was born wise. He was a contemporary of Confucius and indeed it is very humorous to read the description by Confucius of his meeting with Lao Tzu. It is obviously the meeting of an intellectual scholar with an Enlightened Master. Confucius stumbled out of the meeting with Lao Tzu in a very dazed and confused state, saying, “I understand the order of things, how fish are able to swim and birds are able to fly, but I have met with a Dragon and cannot grasp how he can levitate into the clouds and reflect on what cannot be known.”
In typical Taoist style, Lao Tzu gives the supreme teaching of ‘suchness.’ Even though highly revered, he shunned fame and fortune and lived a simple life. At around the age of 80 he left the city to go on an eternal pilgrimage. At the Hanku Pass, near Loyang the guard at the gate recognised him and detained him, requesting that before he disappear from the world, he should write down his wisdom for the benefit of all beings. Under duress, Lao Tzu wrote down 5 thousand wisdom teachings and this later came to be known as the Tao Te Ching.
Osho says about Lao Tzu: “When I speak on Lao Tzu I speak as if I am speaking on my own self. With him my being is totally one. When I speak on Lao Tzu it is as if I am looking in a mirror – my own face is reflected. When I speak on Lao Tzu, I am absolutely with him. Even to say absolutely with him is not true – I am him, he is me.”
A quote from Lao Tzu’s book Tao Te Ching, chapter 6, translated by Arthur Waley says:
“The valley spirit never dies
It is named the mysterious female
And the doorway of the mysterious female
Is the base from which heaven and earth spring
It is there within us all the while
Draw upon it as you will.
It never runs dry.”

Patanjali (born 150 BCE)

Is known as the principal proponent of Yoga, even though he himself was part of a long lineage of Yoga Gurus. Due to his phenomenal articulateness on the subject of Yoga, we have the gift of being able to follow Yoga principles clearly, even today. It is a Godsend that Yoga is now so prolifically spread all over the world, even though many people do not understand the spiritual foundation of it and think of it only as physical exercise. According to Osho, it is much deeper than that and is indeed a path to Samadhi, spiritual liberation. Osho has spoken 12 volumes on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, offering us a wealth of understanding and insight on this subject.
I have a friend, Yoga Deep who is a master Yoga teacher. He has studied many Yoga forms and has also studied in-depth Osho’s 12 volumes on Yoga. He is the only person in the world as far as I know who blends classical Yoga with Osho’s deep insights on Yoga.
Osho says about Patanjali:
“Patanjali is logical and rational, mathematical, scientific. He does not ask any faith. He asks only courage to experiment, courage to move, courage to take a jump into the unknown. He does not say, “Believe, and then you will experience.” He says, “Experience, and then you will believe.” And he has made a structure how to proceed step by step. His path is not haphazard; it is not like a labyrinth, it is like a super-highway. Everything is clear and the shortest possible route. But you have to follow it in every detail; otherwise you will move out of the path and in the wilderness.”
Patanjali outlines an eight-fold path for attaining Enlightened Consciousness:
Yama (Truthful, conscious and kind conduct.)
Niyama (Spiritual lifestyle, including devotion to God or Guru, purity of body and mind, self-discipline, contemplation, and contentment in all circumstances.)
Asana (Right posture with spinal column straight, body upright and firmly rooted in a comfortable position for entering meditation.)
Pranayama (Practice of breathing exercises leading to awareness and experience of prana, the subtle breath of life.)
Pratyahara (Withdrawal of senses from external objects.)
Dharana (Holding the mind steady, ability to focus only on one thought.)
Dhyana (Meditation.)
Samadhi (The experience of remaining conscious and in a state of witnessing while the body is in dreamless sleep. This opens into superconsciousness.)
Patanjali is quoted as saying that Yoga is:
“Neutralization of the alternating waves in consciousness.”
He also says:
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations; your conscious expands in every direction; and you find yourself in a great, new and wonderful world.”

Issa (Jesus) (Born approximately 17 April, 6 B.C.)

Jesus has had the sad fate of being entirely misrepresented by Christianity. If we simply put the lie-based Christianity aside and focus on the man, Issa and his life story, he is indeed highly inspirational as a spiritually awakened Master. To understand the real Jesus (Issa) more deeply, read the book or watch the documentary by the same name: Jesus Lived In India.These contain irrefutable evidence of Jesus’s lost years both before and after the Crucifixion. He lived an incredible life!
Before going to Israel and proclaiming his teachings there, he lived during his youth in India, studying Jainism, Vedanta, Upanishads, Yoga, Buddhism, and Tantra. After the crucifixion (which was rigged for him to survive) he travelled back to India where he established an Ashram (becoming a Guru to the large Jewish population in Kashmir), married a local peasant woman, had a son and lived to the ripe old age of 112. His tomb is in Srinagar, Kashmir. His teachings are kept on record at many temples, including in India and Tibet.
Osho spoke at length on Jesus and it was from him that I first heard that Jesus studied in India, survived the crucifixion and went back to India where he lived to a ripe old age. Through further study, I found out that what Osho said is indeed true. Osho’s books on Jesus, The Mustard Seed and Come Follow Me, are a revelation about the man and his mission.
Osho Says:
“Jesus never renounced the world. He was standing in the midst of us all. He was not an escapist. He moved in the marketplace, he lived with the crowd. He talked to prostitutes, labourers, farmers, fishermen. He didn’t go out of the world. He remained here amidst you. He knew the world better than anyone who has escaped from it. It is no wonder that Christ’s message became so powerful. Mahavira’s message never became so powerful but Jesus converted almost half the world, why? Because he remained in the world; he understood the world, its ways, the people, the mind.”
Beautiful translations directly from Aramaic of Jesus’s teachings can be found in the book: Prayers of the Cosmos: Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus by Neil Douglas Klotz 
A quote of Issa (Jesus) from Neil Douglas Klotz’ translation is:
“O Birther! Father-Mother of the cosmos
You create all that moves
In light
O Thou! The breathing life of all
Creator of the shimmering sound that
Touches us
Respiration of all worlds
We hear you breathing in and out
In silence
Source of Sound; in the roar and the whisper
In the breeze and the whirlwind, we
Hear your name
Radiant one; you shine within us
Outside us—even darkness shines—when
We remember
Name of names, our small identity
Unravels in you; you give it back
As a lesson
Wordless action, silent potency
Where ears and eyes awaken, there
Heaven comes
O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos!”


Was a renowned Tantra Master who lived (approximately) in the 8th Century. He was reputed to be in the direct lineage of Lord Shiva. According to Yoga historian Romola Butalia he authored the following scriptures: “The Goraksha Samhita, Goraksha Gita, Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati, Yoga Martanada, Yoga Siddhanta Paddhati, Yoga-Bija, Yoga Chintamani.” He is also said to be the founder of Hatha Yoga. His influence is far reaching, even today, stretching from Nepal to South India. His greatest glory is to be experienced in Khajuraho, the village in Madhya Pradesh, India, which boasts a series of Tantra and Jain Temples. They are famous for the exquisitely formed erotic sculptures on the outer circumference of the temples. Some of these temples were built based on the wisdom teachings of Gorakhnath and with the support of the Chandela Dynasty.
Wikepedia says: “Historical records note that the Khajuraho temple site had 85 temples by the 12th century, spread over 20 square kilometres. Of these, only about 25 temples have survived, spread over 6 square kilometres.”
Osho Says about Khajuraho
“If you meditate there, you will know what the Tantra masters were doing. They were creating in stone something that is felt in the ultimate orgasmic joy. It was the most difficult thing to do, to bring ecstasy into the stone. And if the stone can show the ecstasy, then everybody can move into that ecstasy easily. Khajuraho sculpture is not just to see, it is for meditation.

Sit silently and meditate for hours. If one goes to Khajuraho, one should live at least for three months there, so he can meditate on each possible inner posture of orgasmic joy. And then, slowly, slowly, the at-onement, slowly, slowly, the harmony; then suddenly you are transported into another world — the world of those mystics who created this temple.” 
Osho had a supreme respect for Gorakhnath, listing him as one of the 4 greatest Mystics India has ever produced.
Osho says:
“The whole palace of India’s literature of the Saint Tradition rests on this one stone; everything is based on this one individual. He has said it all and slowly, slowly all he has said will go on becoming more beautiful, a many coloured splendour over time. People will meditate and base their spiritual practice on it for centuries to come. Who knows how many enlightened beings shall be born through him?”
A Quote from Gorakhnath:
“Neither emptiness nor fullness
Neither Isness nor no-isness
So unfathomable, beyond the senses
In the Inner sky of the crown chakra
It is the innocent voice of a child
How can it be named?
Laughing, being playful,
The knack of meditation
Day and night
Sharing this divine inspiration
He laughs, he plays, his mind untroubled
This unwavering one is always with God.”

Padma Sambhava (lived during the 8th Century)

Is known as the second Buddha in Tibet. He travelled from India and established Tantric Buddhism in Tibet and was also influential in Bhutan. His Tantric consort was the Princess Mandarava from Rewalsar, India. The cave they lived in is a revered place of pilgrimage today. I have been there and meditated in the cave and it is indeed a place filled with superpowers.

In Tibet, Padma Sambhava worked with a team of 133 translators on translating Tantra and Buddhist Scriptures and gave Tantra teachings. Due to his genius in helping enemies of the Dharma turn towards the Dharma, the Emperor of Tibet offered Padma Sambhava his own wife, Yeshe Tsogyal as a second consort.
When we see depictions of a male and female in the Tantric Yab Yum position, this is usually depicting Padma Sambhava and his consort in deep embrace. He is also depicted in paintings as sitting in the middle between his two consorts.
It is said that both of Padma Sambhava’s consorts attained Enlightenment during Tantra Sexual Union practices and that in the form of a Rainbow Body and Terma, they are ever available to help Tantric practitioners on the path. (Terma is a word which means the hiding of deep spiritual teachings in the ether. When a seeker arrives, who is ready to receive the transmission, the Terma is delivered as a download into the psyche of the recipient.)
During the sacred tour of Leh Ladak in September 2018, we will be visiting a monastery where Padma Sambhava lived for some time.
A quote from Padma Sambhava says:
“If you want to know your past life, look at your present condition. If you want to know your future life, look at your present actions.”


Was born as a Brahmin during the 8th Century in Roli, within the city-state of Rajni in Eastern India. He later became a renowned Buddhist scholar. His Enlightenment happened when he became a disciple of a female Tantra Initiatress and Master known as ‘the Arrow-smith Woman.’ His teachings also went to Tibet and had a great influence on the Tantra lineages there and a Tantra stream in India represented by the Baul Mystics still keep his teachings alive. (If you would like to meet a Baul Mystic Master come to the Tantra Festival in Delhi in November 2018.)
Osho has given two volumes of discourses on the Baul Mystics, called ‘The Beloved.’
It is very special to read or listen to Osho’s discourses on the Royal Songs of Saraha. Osho’s discourse called ‘Aiming At the One’ detailing Saraha’s life story and the meeting with his Tantra Female Master is simply breath-taking.
quote from Saraha says:
“Here in this body are the sacred rivers, here are the sun and the moon as well as the pilgrimage places. I have not encountered another temple as blissful as my own body.”

Abhinava Gupta (950 – 1016 AD)

Was a highly influential and revered Tantra Master in Kashmir, India. Kashmir was a melting pot of many different nationalities as it was on the Silk Road and people from China to Rome passed through there. The many spiritual traditions introduced to the region by travellers found a welcome amalgamation through Tantra. The tradition of Tantra simply expanded to make space for all approaches of spirituality to be embraced under one umbrella.

Abhinava Gupta was thus very open minded, with an incredible intellect, and profound spiritual insights. He was born to Tantric adept parents and his first Guru was his father. He subsequently studied with 15 different Gurus. His most profound initiation happened through the wife of one of his Gurus, Sambhunatha. She acted as a conduit for the great Goddess in a Tantric Ritual.
He lifted Tantra out of the shackles of a male oriented Tantra Yoga approach and taught the equal honouring of both male and female in life, love and spirituality. He taught that householders as well as renunciates could have full access to Tantra teachings and benefits, thus deleting the stranglehold of elitism. At that time, Tantra was simply a way of life for all.
Wikipedia says: “His desire was to create a synthetic, all-inclusive system, where the contrasts of different scriptures could be resolved by integration into a superior perspective.”—By his own testimony, he had attained spiritual liberation through his Kaula practice, under the guidance of his most admired master, Śambhunātha.”
Because the region was a crossroads, Kashmiri Tantra spread to the whole of the known world, from China to Europe. If we look at the web of Tantra throughout the world, all the silken threads lead back to Kashmir and Abhinava Gupta. Of course, there were many illustrious Masters spanning many generations before and after him but the teachings of Abhinava stand out, illuminating across time and space. This is also because he was a great scholar among his other attributes and wrote down Tantra scriptures for posterity.
A quote of Abhinava Gupta says:
“The couple (yamala) is consciousness itself, the unifying emission and the stable abode. It is the absolute, the noble cosmic bliss consisting of both Shiva and Shakti. It is the supreme secret of Kula; neither quiescent nor emergent, it is the flowing font of both quiescence and emergence.” (Tantraloka) 

Atisha (Born 982 – Died 1054 CE)

Was a devotee of the Goddess Tara. The goddess Tara is renowned for alleviating the suffering of all beings both physically and spiritually. After a series of dreams and visions where the Goddess appeared and gave him instructions and initiations, Atisha travelled from India to Tibet bringing the wisdom teachings of Tara and sparked multiple streams of Tibetan Tantra and Tibetan Buddhism. A quote from Atisha says:
“To be kind to those who have come from afar, to those who have been ill for a long time, or to our parents in their old age, is equivalent to meditating on emptiness of which compassion is the very essence.”

Tilopa Born 988—Died 1069

Had a very interesting life. He was born to Royalty but left his family to become the disciple of a female Tantra Master. He travelled far and wide, also receiving the transmission from 6 other Masters. His last Master, Matangi, sent him to become a pimp and bouncer in a brothel. While working there, he experienced a download of Mahamudra (meaning the great gesture arising from the Ultimate Orgasm with the universe). He then began teaching Tantra and his greatest disciple was Naropa, who became his successor. Tilopa gave 6 powerful instructions to Naropa for adhering to the Tantra path:

1) Don’t recall; (Let go of what has passed.)
2) Don’t imagine; (Let go of what may come.)
3) Don’t think; (Let go of what is happening now.)
4) Don’t examine; (Don’t try and figure anything out.)
5) Don’t control; (Don’t try and make anything happen.)
6) Rest; (Relax right now, and rest.)

Osho gave beautiful discourses on Tilopa’s Song of Mahamudra, in Tantra: the Supreme Understanding;
Osho Says:
Tilopa says in the song, “Become like a hollow bamboo, nothing inside.” And suddenly, the moment you are a hollow bamboo, the divine lips are on you; the hollow bamboo becomes a flute and the song starts. This is The Song of Mahamudra. Tilopa has become a hollow bamboo; the divine has come and the song has started. It is the song of the ultimate experience itself.”
Tilopa says:
“At first a yogi feels his mind Is tumbling like a waterfall; In mid-course, like the Ganges It flows on slow and gentle; In the end, it is a great vast ocean, where the Lights of Son and Mother merge in one.” 
Osho gave talks on Upanishadic Rishis whose written teachings form one of the main foundations of the Hindu Religion. Written Upanishads are from the 6th century BCE to 15th-century CE and before that there was a long oral tradition.
Osho also spoke on many other Enlightened beings that we may never have heard of if it were not for him. He has certainly exposed to the world the glory of Mother India as a fountainhead of Enlightened beings and Enlightened research. He has also spoken on Sufi Masters of the Middle East, on Hassids of Israel, on Heraclitus and Pythagoras of Greece, on Gurjieff who was from Russia but lived in France, and many more.
As the number of Enlightened Beings who have graced this Earth number in the thousands, it is not possible to write down the stories of all of them in this article. Many have remained unknown. However, their fragrance wafts through the ether, touching our heart and soul.
Out of the many Enlightened beings, it is important to mention the Pagan, Gnostic and Shamanicapproaches to life. In many indigenous cultures, an Enlightened lifestyle was simply a way of being. One contemporary culture that functions in this way today are the Kogi of Columbia. See the film Aluna  to learn more about them.
The Gnostics had a very simple and intelligent way of being in communion with the divine in everyday life. They had mystery cells of 8 men and 8 women who went through initiation with a Master and after experiencing illumination, they too would start their own mystery cell. These mystery cells were spread throughout the middle east and Europe for a thousand years before Christianity and indeed are the true roots of the Western spiritual heritage.
Christianity did a massive genocide of Gnostics, burning their scriptures and killing them in the millions till every trace of them was purged from historical memory. One historian John Lamb Lash, has spent 20 years studying any records he could unearth about them and has written a ground-breaking book about the Gnostics called Not in His Image. This book holds an important key for our future as well as vital information about our roots.
A Quote on the Gnostics from John Lamb Lash is: “Gnosis is psychosomatic illumination, the full-body rush of cognitive ecstasy and direct sensorial reception of the vital intelligence of the earth.”
The Hawaiian Huna Tradition deserves special mention. Their wisdom, carried most probably from the famed continent Lemuria (Mu) is really timeless, being nature based and leading to harmony within and without.
An affirmation from the Huna Tradition is:
Ike (awareness)
Kala (freedom)
Makia (attentiveness and concentration)
Manawa (Presence in this moment)
Aloha (Love)
Mana (Confidence)

Iroquois Nations

In the USA there are innumerable examples of indigenous wisdom, and no more so than the Iroquois People. They were wisdom holders of the highest order and it is actually they, who are the true authors of the American Constitution. When early American statesmen were searching for an appropriate foundation document for the new country, they came to know about the amazing peacekeeping and governance strategies used by the Iroquois Indians. They took their vision statement and used it for the American Constitution. To understand the depth and breadth of the Iroquois’ Nation read the book, The Walking People A native American Oral History by Paula Underwood.
A quote from Gloria Steinhem says:
“When a Laguna law student from New Mexico complained that her courses didn’t cite the Iroquois Confederacy as the model for the U.S. Constitution—or explain that this still existing Confederacy was the oldest continuing democracy in the world—I thought she was being romantic. But I read about the Constitutional Convention and discovered that Benjamin Franklin had indeed cited the Iroquois Confederacy as a model. He was well aware of its success in unifying vast areas of the United States and Canada by bringing together native nations for mutual decisions but also allowing autonomy in local ones. He hoped the Constitution could do the same for the thirteen states. That’s why he invited two Iroquois men to Philadelphia as advisers. Among their first questions was said to be: Where are the women?” 
A quote from the Iroquois at the time of Thanksgiving is:
“Today we have gathered and we see that the cycles of life continue. We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, we bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as People. Now our minds are one.”
Some persons reading this newsletter may be wondering how to meet an Enlightened being who is still alive in the body. In my lifetime so far, I have met 5 Enlightened beings.
Kohrogi Sensei


I met him in 1973 and remained in his community for 26 years. I never saw him do anything which was not in service of awakening consciousness in individuals and for the collective. He worked through powerful discourses, meditation methods and devices aimed at drawing out the fullest potential of each human being. His compassion was simply breath taking in its depth and vastness. His methods were designed to shock us out of our long sleep, to dissolve collective conditioning, to reveal to us our own grandeur.
Osho says:
“To be an Enlightened Mystic means that the song this person was born to sing has burst forth, the fragrance that was hidden in this flower has been released to the winds. An enlightened consciousness means you have become that which you were destined to be. And naturally, in the fulfilment of this destiny, there is supreme bliss”.

Krishnamurti (11th May 1895—17th February 1986)

I met him in Mumbai after having been initiated by Osho. I could recognize his Enlightened quality and felt great appreciation of him and his work. However, I found him too serious for my taste and therefore did not seek him out again, though I greatly enjoyed some of his books.
Osho spoke about Krishnamurti many times and offered great respect towards him, teased him and also expressed compassion for what he went through earlier in his life.
Krishnamurti says:
“It is only those who are in constant revolt that discover what is true, not the man who conforms, who follows some tradition. It is only when you are constantly enquiring, constantly observing, constantly learning that you find truth, God or love.”

Tamo san (enlightened Japanese Priestess)

She came to Osho’s community in November, 1989, saying: “I came to give my energy to Osho that his strength would come back. He can make a big change in the world. I want to make sure he can be well.” Osho publicly recognised her as enlightened by showering her with Rose Petals. He gave her a certificate which said: “I Osho, as a Buddha in my own right, recognise and rejoice in your Enlightenment. I know and you must be knowing, that there is one step more, going beyond Enlightenment, and being nothing.”
Later, I visited her in Japan. She had an altar with pictures of Buddha and Osho. Her way of working was very interesting. She was a tiny woman but with superhuman strength. She would pick up a huge grown man, give him a powerful blow on the back and put him back down. She did this to me and I was reeling from the lightning bolt of energy that ran through my body for days afterwards! Tamo san left her body on 21st November 2001.
Tamo san says:
“In the old days, evil things spread rapidly, but now good things spread rapidly. If you understand…everything begins to appear wonderful and beautiful, and it naturally makes people stop wasting or stop desiring unnecessary things. This awakening is contagious and it will be transmitted to everybody soon.”


He came into my life for a brief period and we taught together for about a year, and during that time we created a world-wide movement for teaching our combined work of meditation and Tantra. He is a charismatic Healer and offers a simple yet powerful transmission of Expanded Consciousness. In 2008 he gave me a transmission which propelled me into Universal Consciousness.

Uetzusan says:
“Live with love and compassion for everybody and everything; this is the practice of truth. The ultimate purpose of the body is to live with this understanding, that everything is love, everything is compassion.”

Kohrogi Sensei

Is a Japanese Master who has been in my life since 1994. He is a healer using the method Ito Thermie and also teaches a group called Natsukashi, which means ‘coming back home to your original nature.’ He teaches in Japan, Tokyo area, and also comes to Europe about once per year. His teaching is beyond definition, but if I could name a flavour, it would have to be Tao. He is both ordinary and extraordinary. His teaching is both simple and profound. I have participated in his groups and trainings about 18 times and never get tired of it because it is the refined flavour of his teaching which brings me back again and again. Every time I think of him, an inner smile comes to my lips.
Kohrogi Sensei says:
“You are not just alone. Everything is supporting you. Hold a leaf and have eye contact. Hold a rock and have eye contact. These will help you to remember. Natsukashi means, “Everything is already present.” We have forgotten this. When we ‘remember’ this is Natsukashi.”

The Ocean Of Consciousness
Humanity tends to behave like fishes who are in the sea, crying out, “Where is the sea?” when the sea is all around! I hope this blog has awakened your enthusiasm regarding the true history of humanity, the Enlightened history. Let us not celebrate the villains who are raping and pillaging the treasures of our world. Let us place our attention and highest regard towards those beings who are showing us the way to live in harmony, peace, love and wisdom. These Enlightened Beings are our best resources. They each have different ways of helping humanity to awaken. And all of their varied devices lead to the same ocean of consciousness.
(Article taken from Sarita’s blog:

Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita