While in a home that is feng shui healthy, peace and rest is enhanced, but at an office there are two goals, namely to motivate the staff and increase the company’s profitability.
Whether a building has good or bad energy affects the health, psychological state, relationships, and everything else in the life of its occupants, with it making them get better or worse over time. So, if a building carries good Qi, its occupants will live fortunate lives, but if it doesn’t, they will meet with problems. This rule applies to homes, offices, and any space we spend time in.
While in a home that is feng shui healthy, peace and rest is enhanced, but at an office there are two goals, namely to motivate the staff and increase the company’s profitability.
In achieving these objectives, it is important that the design consistently matches the company’s corporate identity. From details like furniture, design language brings unity to a space. Psychologically speaking, stress diminishes a workforce’s productivity and motivation, and it’s a number-one cause of resignation. It also affects the nervous system, leading to back pain, anger, and heart attacks. Another goal of office-based feng shui is to minimize these affects and create a more comfortable, peaceful, and harmonious working environment.
For those who are not experts and need some help, here are some design tips for your office.
Tip 1: There must be a unity in the design language, so the correct materials, colors, and lighting should be chosen with the help of feng shui.
Tip 2: In a small office, large furniture makes the space even smaller, whereas in a large office, small furniture limits a firm from gaining its deserved status.
Tip 3: The colors for an office may vary according to the corporate identity of the company, but the best colors are blue and green. Avoid using too many white walls or large repetitive patterns.
Tip 4: Instead of dazzling fluorescent lights, pick wide-spectrum light bulbs. Maximize the height of windows and minimize the use of blinds, so you get the most from the daylight.
Tip 5: Energy enters through the main door and moves upwards. If you are planning to rent an office space, avoid anything below ground level.
Tip 6: Plants and water bring nature into an office, along with peace and energy, and reduce stress. They also represent wealth and improvement.
Tip 7: An office desk should face the door and not a wall or window, because you will feel safer and concentrate better.
Tip 8: The most convenient direction to face varies with your ming gua. You can find yours by searching the web.
Tip 9: Organize your table and office well and get rid of all unnecessary items.
Tip 10: In open-plan offices, tables should not face the corridor. There should also be a mid-height board behind every worker for safety, and no two workers should ever face each other because this may bring an energy of contradiction.
Tip 11: Ergonomic office seating reduces back pain and stress. Be careful with the softness of seats for guests, however, because as softness increases, people may sit longer.
Tip 12: You should achieve better directions using advanced feng shui techniques based on your birthdate and the building’s construction year and orientation.
You should also consider the following before choosing a building for your new office:

  • Did the building bring financial problems to the previous occupants? If it did, it probably will again. The experiences of previous occupants can give clues about what you may experience. Research a building’s history extensively.
  • At offices, arguments, gossiping, and scandals are not addressed when bad feng shui puts financial success first and problems are generally linked to people. Healing such things should also be feng shui’s business.
  • If a building has been empty for a long time and is being offered at a cheap price, you must find the underlying reason, such as repeated bankruptcies by previous occupants.
  • In some buildings, businesses become successful and their incomes increase, as if it is a perfect match for the company. The purpose of feng shu is to find such buildings and establish your company in one, because its feng shui will always be good and your success will continue whatever.

So, do you know what is happening in your building? If you want to find out more, feel free to contact me. I will be glad to help… (e-mail: sinem.oktay@thewisemag.com)

Sinem Oktay