When we hear talk about abundance and prosperity, it’s money that comes to mind, but it actually goes beyond this, right? So, what is abundance and prosperity?
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
When we hear talk about abundance and prosperity, it’s money that comes to mind, but it actually goes beyond this, right? So, what is abundance and prosperity?
Begüm Güven Karace:
When we talk about abundance and prosperity, we ask what you would want in your life if money were not an issue. We often focus on money, but when it is the sole thing we focus on, we are left aimless. Earning money in itself is not a suitable ambition. We should rather want to earn money to obtain or create the things we want. Once we shift our attention to this, we easily see the barriers before us and the steps we need to take. The universe rewards action, so once we start taking steps, we attract abundance, and then the money pours in. This is a brief summary of it all.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
So, there is a crucial question: If you can achieve whatever you really want, with no financial hindrances, what would you do?
Begüm Güven Karace:
This is what people get stuck in: Sure, I can earn money, but what then? If you have piles of money, what would you do with it all? How would you want your life to be?
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
I think the problem is that we lack vision.
Begüm Güven Karace:
Indeed. We focus too much on money, so much so that we start forgetting our dreams, ambitions, life purposes, and talents. We then start losing money, and life helps us to find the correct job to take us to our main purpose. In my seminars, I always tell how the universe has two main traffic lights: one signals financial abundance (money) and the other health. Whenever we get derailed, we face problems related to money, health, and sometimes relationships. So, if we want to have abundance and prosperity in our lives, we should start by setting targets related to what kind of a life we want and identify what our talents are. When we do the things that we came to this life to do, and when we feel joy in doing certain things, money comes to us.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
These are nice words about kindness, beauty, joy, and righteousness, but there are starving people out there, while others are virtually penniless and burdened with credit card debt and overdue bills. It sounds easier said than done, so what the hell should we do?
Begüm Güven Karace:
In such cases, we ask when it began.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
I’ve lived a dog’s life since birth, my friend.
Begüm Güven Karace:
How do you know this? How did you come to understand this? Let’s assume it’s true that you’ve had such a bad life since you were born, when did you come to realize it?
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
I was unaware I felt like this.
Begüm Güven Karace:
You were not aware of it, yet you realized it at some point. This was a trigger point for you. By this, I mean that the awareness brought some action to your life. You did something. Once you realized you were living such a bad life, you did something to correct the situation. Again and again, we bring ourselves to the point of doing something in such situations, situations where we feel poor and miserable.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
I’m a victim! I mean, we always blame others or fate for putting us in awkward situations. Even though everyone reading this is on a spiritual path of some kind, we all do it to an extent. We all blame others and play the victim.
Begüm Güven Karace:
That’s right. We have to examine these feelings, because they are the materialized energies within our bodies. We realize everything through our bodies, because energies are transformed into emotions, and their bodily responses are called feelings. These feelings are the energies within our fields. What do I do when I feel like a victim? How does this feeling serve me? What should I do, or not do, when I feel like a victim? If I do not want to be a victim, I clearly have to do something differently.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
The greatest benefit from the victim mentality is absolving yourself from any responsibility. There are lots of players out there, and they are strong while you are weak, so you don’t need to do anything. This is similar to child’s thinking before adolescence, but I am not referring to the purity of the inner child. It is more like always looking for their parents, so they can hide behind them and be nurtured by them.
Begüm Güven Karace:
So, you mean you are not looking for someone to hide behind, but you still escape responsibility when you are the victim. What do you do then?
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
I just whine and complain.
Begüm Güven Karace:
And afterwards?
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Nothing, I just complain more. Nothing has happened yet. Today, for example, I was talking with my cousin. She lives in Italy, but she is coming back soon. Throughout her life, she’s always grumbled and complained. I asked her what she gained through this behavior, to name just one benefit. She just replied, “Jack shit.” She admitted her grumbling always just made everything worse.
Anyway, what happened next? She was bored of Italy and wanted to come home. She had an idea of what she wanted, but she didn’t know quite what to do. So, she said, “I want to change this.” She prayed and asked for a way out, but she could not find a solution. She did not know where to go, nor did she know what to do. She was clueless. A company then offered her a job setting up a new office in Turkey.
My cousin called me and said, “Hasan, do you know what the Italians here say to me? They ask, ‘Are you stupid? Is it really wise to go to back to Turkey?’” She also said she had contacted some companies in Turkey, all of which told her that the markets in Turkey were really bad at the moment and questioned why she would want to return.
She therefore asked me if everything was so terrible here. I told her those guys were just manifesting their own beliefs, but she said it was the objective reality. It’s not the reality, though, because they interpret such things through their own lenses rather than that of life itself.
I’m saying all this because I want to ask you a question. You talk about abundance and prosperity while the economy is bad and everything seems to be getting worse. What can you tell us about beliefs? If everything is unpleasant, economies are in ruin, and bad news comes daily, can we manifest abundance and prosperity in such an environment?
Begüm Güven Karace:
You certainly can, and many people do. Since childhood, I’ve always heard how the markets are collapsing. But do we ever hear the opposite? Does anyone announce how the markets are doing well at any point? Do you remember such an announcement?
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Begüm Güven Karace:
…because it never happens.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
It is a sort of ritual in our culture. Take for example when people ask you, “How’s business?” Even if you’ve just bought a holiday home and a yacht, you would reply, “Oh, I can’t complain. I’m just about getting by.”
Begüm Güven Karace:
You’re right. It’s a matter of supply and demand. I won’t talk too much about this, but let me point out that not all our conditions are bad. Some people do good things, while other spend money and buy things. Business is always going on out there. Houses are built and new stores are opened. There is always action on some level. We can choose to complain constantly, or we can take steps to improve the prevailing conditions by doing the best we can.
First, we need to change our beliefs and discard those belief patterns that make us want to complain. We may then find the power to act. Once we start taking action, the universe also begins to support us, as shown in the case of your cousin. On the other hand, if we continuously feel regret, sorrow, and pain, these feelings merely intensify. When we motivate ourselves to take action, all the forces of the universe line up behind us.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Well, her case is very unusual. She has some problems in Italy and doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t see a way out, so she prays every night. Then suddenly a company says to her, “Go to Turkey and set up an office for us there. We’ll pay all your expenses for the first year.” It is all so spontaneous.
I recently listened to a speech by Marianne Williamson. She said recession doesn’t mean there is no money around—there is just less of it. So what you need to do is cross paths with that money.
Begüm Güven Karace:
Right, these things are all fine, and we say some nice things, but how do we find those paths? This is where the problem lies, because people do not know how. We can never say there are no business opportunities or money out there, so no one can find abundance and prosperity. If you cannot find a job or earn money in your usual way, then you should change the way you do things. You should start by changing the way you think, the things you believe, and the things you do. Taking steps to get rid of old regrets and resentments is a good place to start. We may then start realizing where our talents lie and how we can find joy in life. What makes me happy? What can I do that makes me happy? When do I feel joyful? This is where your abundance stands.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
You had a client with some problems, and she expressed gratitude during her therapy with you. Could you tell us about her?
Begüm Güven Karace:
Yes, we have abundance and prosperity in our lives, but we also have pain and sorrow. There are also things that anger us. All these things exist in life, but whatever we focus on gets magnified. If I constantly complain, then I always find something to complain more about. If I instead start noticing what I have and be grateful for it, then I find more things to be grateful for.
Now, I had a client who had experienced severe depression and who was undergoing long-term treatment for it. She was the daughter of a family with financial problems. Her mother had a job, but she was working under difficult conditions. Her father was unemployed with gambling and alcohol problems. The girl was living in a situation where her mother worked late hours, so she had to stay home alone. Ultimately, she fell into depression and stopped going to school, spending whole days just sleeping and crying. She was in such a condition when they brought her to me. We had a small session where I gave her a notebook. I asked her to find three things to be grateful for each day and write them down in the notebook. I told her to close her eyes and bring the feeling of gratitude to her body. I also said she could write down simple things like “I saw a flower in the street” or “My mom came home an hour earlier today”—just simple things like that. They didn’t need to be anything grand.
I also told her I had a rule, though: She could not write the same thing down within at least a week, so she had to find new things. I said, “Just ask yourself, ‘What’s good in my life today?’” She said nothing good happens in her life, just bad things. I then told her, “You came here and we’ve talked about things. You feel better for it, so isn’t this something good? Write down how you felt well after our session. Next, how did you get here? If you came by bus, did it arrive on time? Did you find a seat easily? See, we’ve already found two more things to be grateful for. Write them down, too.”
It may start with seemingly trivial things, but when we start noticing the beautiful things in our lives and focus on those, we see how the beautiful things become magnified. Gratitude is a vital emotion. Appreciation, thankfulness, and love are also vital emotions. When we increase their presence in our lives, abundance and prosperity increase with them.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Let’s take this example: We see something, something big, at the top of some stairs, so we focus on deciding how to reach it in the easiest way. We look for an elevator first. There are a hundred steps there, but we do not think of climbing the stairs one by one. These are the small things you mention. We should direct our focus on these things, step by step, but instead we look for miracles with rays of golden light descending from the skies and great events occurring. If you hope to get a raise at work in an incredible manner like this, get real! Just be grateful you can breathe easily. Ask a person with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease how grateful they would be! You also have eyes to see and ears to hear with. If you begin with the small things, the bigger ones will come later.
Begüm Güven Karace:
Absolutely. What do we want to achieve by climbing the stairs? Will we feel happy when we reach the top? Or will we shift our attention to another set of stairs?
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Yes, that’s another thing, isn’t it?
Begüm Güven Karace:
We all long for love. We crave love and approval. We believe others will love us and give their approval when we succeed, when we reach the top of the stairs. Yet these things just perpetuate the feeling of inadequacy. Consequently, as we think we do not deserve them, we cannot reach for the things that life offers us freely. Love and approval is what we all look for in life, so we basically need to work on loving and approving of ourselves. You know, almost all Louise Hay’s practices start with mirror work. Could you tell if you love and approve of yourself while standing before a mirror? This is what we crave from others. We want to hear them say how they love us and approve of us, but do we ever say such things to ourselves? When we start saying these things to ourselves in front of a mirror, we begin to understand the feeling of being loved and approved. We start manifesting the energy of this feeling within our fields. Then, as we start spreading it through our entire field, others will start saying how they love us and approve of us. This is a marvelous step. In achieving abundance and prosperity, love and approval are beautiful steps, just as gratitude is.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
What if someone asks you, “You always talk about love, and I constantly keep saying I love myself, but it’s pointless. I’m still broke, so where did I go wrong?”
Begüm Güven Karace:
You should focus on where you did something wrong or where you just thought or felt you did something wrong. If we accept that every experience serves us in some way, when we experience something in life, whatever it may be, we should first ask what it compels us to do. How does this experience serve me? For example, how does despair, starvation or poverty serve me? What am I doing wrong? How do I feel? Perhaps those in despair receive love and affection from others. Do you remember when we talked about a stray dog before? When we feed or pet a stray dog, we may identify it with ourselves. If I feel desperate and starving, I would want someone to come and feed me. Perhaps we do it to attract a certain person.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Here’s another point: God loves me this way. If I am poor, God loves me, but I cannot grow closer to God if I am rich. I can only be with God if I am poor. We often think like this.
Begüm Güven Karace:
This is an issue we see during our Theta Healing sessions, these oaths of poverty:
- If I am poor, I can commune with God, go to heaven, and feel loved.
- If I am poor, I will evolve in this life.
- Evolution is only possible in sorrow and poverty.
These belief patterns are embedded in our genes, our cultures, our histories, and the stories that were told to us. There is a program running in the background that tries to keep us in poverty and sorrow. On one hand, I say I want to live in abundance and prosperity, but on the other hand, this program says, “But you will burn in hell.”
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Well, the rich are often dishonest. Many made their undeserved fortunes by tricking or exploiting others or through some other misdeed.
Begüm Güven Karace:
Yes, there are countless proverbs like “Money is the root of all evil.” We all carry this background program, so when we earn money or feel rich, we suffer the feeling of guilt and distance ourselves from that richness. We start losing money and making unwise investments. We quit our jobs or get fired, thus losing our income. Deeming ourselves worthy of money and the Creator’s love is crucial. Theta Healing works well here, because it is the healing of the Creator. When we reach a theta state, we become one with the love of the Creator and the healing occurs. There is no need for poverty, no need for misery, and no need to be in sorrow there. We do not need to feel pain to evolve. Sorrow, sadness, loneliness, and fear are emotions that we need as signals, a sort of traffic lights. If I feel fear, I should stop what I have been doing, because I am clearly on the wrong path. When I feel anger, I just have a look at my field and protect it. Lingering in these emotions does not help my evolution. Only joy helps evolution. Doing good things, feeling well, being in the service of others, and developing my virtues aids my evolution. Yet I believe I can only evolve when I am in sorrow, but this is wrong. These are just signals to get me out of something and change my beliefs, thoughts, and lifestyle.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
That’s great. Do you know what I always think about sorrow? Imagine yourself as a diamond tightly wrapped in newspaper. Someone then throws you into a fire and you start burning. You feel pain, but in fact, it is not you burning in the fire. You need to pass through this fire to reveal the diamond inside. When you come across such a fire, don’t try to avoid it but rather pass through it and uncover the diamond inside. After this, you do not need to find other similar situations where you can burn yourself painfully, because once the diamond gets out…
Begüm Güven Karace:
If I realize what purpose this sorrow serves in my life, then I can see why this pain constantly afflicts me. What is this sorrow trying to do with me? Which path should I take? What should I change? Which belief, which thought, which trait, and which behavior should be changed to overcome this sorrow? If we do not see the message and continue to wallow in sorrow, then we are like hamsters running in a wheel. We meet the same sorrow over and over. Yet when I realize how this sorrow serves me, what it has been trying to do, and what it wants me to do, I can change my path in terms of my thoughts, beliefs, lifestyle, and attitude. The sorrow then dissipates.
We generally don’t give sorrow a chance to fulfil its duty. We hold onto it and keep it within, when we should let it perform its transformative duties. Holding onto it keeps us caught up in the same point. We find this confusing, because when we say evolution requires sorrow, we assume we should remain in it, yet this is not the case. Sorrow is needed to direct me back toward the right path for evolution if I go astray. This is sorrow’s role in evolution. What keeps me on the path of evolution is the joy. So, what makes me feel joyous? What makes me feel better? Doing what makes me feel better? What makes me feel joyous and light as a feather? This is my path to evolution.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Begüm, let’s talk now about another issue. Exactly what is money?
Begüm Güven Karace:
Money is energy, just like everything else. It is a tool to facilitate trade, nothing more. It’s just energy and only energy. If we could really understand that money is just energy, then we would realize that it should flow like all energies do. For example, money may flow to me, but it should then pass through me and maybe return to me some day, much like the air we breathe. When we hold money in our hands, we should treat it with love and respect, not as something tainted. One Turkish proverb implies that money is something dirty, but if there really was such belief in this proverb, no one would desire such a dirty thing. Maybe some of us do avoid money because of this belief.
Another point is that money, which is also energy, increases with our generosity. It is related to spending and donating money, feeling at ease, giving presents, tipping servers, paying your employees well, and always settling your debts. All these things put this energy in motion. It is also related to your acceptance of this energy and your ability to receive gracefully… Most of us know how to donate to worthy charities. We pay our bills, we tip, and we buy gifts for others, but what about receiving? Our energy relates to receiving as well, and this reflects our energy for receiving money. For example, if someone complimented you by saying, “Hasan, you are far too good and handsome for this world,” what would you do?
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
I would thank that person for the compliment, but it is not always so easy to accept such compliments.
Begüm Güven Karace:
Yes, we say “Thank you for your kindness” and such like. I mean, we even have difficulty accepting compliments.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Yeah, but if someone came up and gave you both barrels, saying things like “God damn, you’re dumb,” you would accept it. We accept any type of insult easily, but we struggle to accept compliments.
Begüm Güven Karace:
We want to be nourished by the universe, the planet, our environment, and our work, yet we can refuse many things that are offered openly, so the energy does not flow. We should know how to give, how to receive, and how to balance the two.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
You know, this reminds me of something. Receptivity and acceptance are feminine features. There is therefore something wrong with our feminine energy, so we do not receive so easily. I am a giving type for example. We are, generally speaking, all too masculine. We know our masculine energy better than our feminine one. As far as I know, money is a feminine energy that relates to both receiving it and making use of it, but as we do not understand these energies, we take a masculine approach toward money. We do not realize it is feminine in nature. I also think that the existence of money is related to the mother, while how to use it is related to the father.
Begüm Güven Karace:
This is how we tell it: Money is energy, a material, worldly one. We are nurtured by the world within our bodies. Our lower chakras related to worldly energies, while the upper ones above the heart relate to divine energies. Once we understand that money is a worldly energy, we see how our left side is related to our mother and right side to our father.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
So, the left side of the body is feminine and the right side is masculine.
Begüm Güven Karace:
That’s right. We also say the left side is related to abundance, the means through which money comes to us, while the right side is related to prosperity, such as how to invest and use the money. In essence, you are right. In order to receive money in abundance, we need to purify, cleanse, and balance maternal and femininity issues while also balancing them with masculine desires to save the money and manage it properly. If I cannot balance my masculine and feminine energies, it’s like not being able to touch the earth with both my legs, so the planet cannot nurture me. The primary key to being in a state of abundance and prosperity is to accept your mother and father, approve of your masculine and feminine features, and be respectful to them.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Some people with at least one deceased parent will ask how they should show respect to their parents then. Some people never even knew their parents. Of course, it is better to practice with a mother and father, but when they’re unavailable, we can make inner peace with them and show our respect, right?
Begüm Güven Karace:
Many children never know their parents, but some of them have really earned a fortune. Take Steve Jobs as an example. He did not know his biological parents and grew up in a different family. The mother and father exist in our cells, though. After all, a cell from our mothers and a cell from our fathers came together to form our very first cell, so we have feminine and masculine features equally. We already have all the love and everything else within that first cell. Of course, we teach some methods to bring them into being through some spiritual techniques, but simply put, just bow respectfully before your parents. We owe our experience on this planet to them. We cannot exist if we do not show respect to them, and as a result, something that does not exist cannot be nurtured. The planet waits for us to exist for its nurturing. Once we exist, we are nurtured, so I respectfully thank my mother and father for my existence.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
This reminds me of something. You know how some people say we are made from the number-one sperm, the one that won the race against millions of other sperm. This is a symptom of a competitive culture. Sure, we came from a sperm, but there was also an egg. In addition to being masculine, we are also feminine. Additionally, we are not from the “number-one sperm” but rather from the one chosen by the egg. The egg chose that sperm from the millions available and embraced it.
Begüm Güven Karace:
Yes, it is all a matter of perspective.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
We should also clarify a concept here. Whenever I look at the mirror, I see a man. I say I am a man and I identify myself likewise, but I am a soul existing in a man’s body. Similarly, you are a soul in a woman’s body. Masculine and feminine factors exist in both of us simultaneously. I am more than just pure masculine energy. I merely wanted to experience the world from within a man’s body. This is the only choice on this planet, whether to choose a male or female body. Even if you are born a hermaphrodite, it may be unusual, but it’s still a choice. You are a soul with half masculine and half feminine characteristics. You merely chose to experience life from within a woman’s body. Once we fully understand this, problems may arise from the masculine consciousness opposing any talk about femininity. Some will ask, “What shall I do now? Should I be more feminine?” First of all, though, we must remember there is a soul within the body, a living soul that is experiencing being human.
Begüm Güven Karace:
Male or female, we are all nurtured by both masculine and feminine energies. We are born with cells from both our mothers and fathers. By nature, all energies are either feminine or masculine. To be nurtured by them, our masculine and feminine qualities, our left and right brains, and our hormones should be in balance.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
I took some notes here. Perhaps my masculine side is asserting itself here, but I have a question. They always say, “If you open yourself to abundance and prosperity, the universe will provide it,” but is there enough money on the planet for everyone? Is there enough cash to nurture us all? The economists say resources are finite, but you say money is unlimited. Someone, possibly you, must be wrong here. After all, they are scholars and qualified to say such things, but when there is no money around, how do you find it?
Begüm Güven Karace:
If you constantly claim you have no money, you will continue to have no money. The more you say, “I don’t have,” the less you will have. By this, I mean you will live what you say, think, and bring into reality. On the other hand, we are so used to saying we lack things that are abundantly available. Do you remember people saying how the water on our planet would run out? Some 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. More than half the human body is water. Where would all this water go? We grow fearful and ill at ease about something that will likely never happen. I think it is just a trick, a way for the media to sell something.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
It is all about control—that much is clear. An institution in Britain publishes an annual report showing how 99% of the world’s financial resources belong to 1% of the population. Let’s elaborate on this with an example. A hundred people sit in a hall. Someone brings a hundred hamburgers into the hall, so you naturally assume that everyone will get a hamburger. However, one person takes 99 of them and says, “Hey guys, there’s just one hamburger left. You will need to share it. You know what? I will share it out for you.”
This is the system of our world. The 99 hamburgers are still there, so there are sufficient resources. The question is how they are managed. Is there enough water on Earth? Yes, there’s plenty, but still people die from dehydration. Why? It happens because someone takes more water than they need. They waste water in ornate fountains while people are suffering from drought. Sure, there are seas full of water, but they say desalinating seawater is expensive. But what about nuclear weapons, tanks, and jet fighters? Aren’t they also expensive? We have money for those it seems but not for producing drinking water. These are all management issues, and there is a system in place to control and manage people. This was what we thought was needed, though, and we all played a part in manifesting this system.
Begüm Güven Karace:
It relates to the victim mentality again. We may feel like victims, but we need to realize how this system serves us. I mean, if I am a part within this system, and if I have issues with the operation of this system, then this system somehow serves me. What is this system making you do? What do you do when you feel unhappy about the system? When I start doing a specific thing without feeling sorry, I do not need a system anymore. This is our path within this life experience. We see things and take action. We need things to activate and motivate us. Misery, poverty, need, and war have motivated us over many eras and generations. Our current generation is also accustomed to it. We do not know what to do when wars end, so we give rise to inner conflicts instead.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Yes, we constantly create the same things and do the same deeds. I recall a question about this. I put it to many people, but no one gave a good answer, and it is still not answered. Anyway, there’s an old movie called Meet Joe Black with Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins playing the leading roles. At the end, Anthony Hopkins says, “I did everything I could in life. I have a wonderful wife. I have wonderful daughters. I had a wonderful life experience. Now, I can die. There is nothing left I could grasp in life.” Then he walks on to death. Let’s assume you are at the same point of achieving everything you want. The angel of death arrives, but this time he says he will take you away in another 60 years. Yet you have done everything you could do already, so how would you survive those sixty years? When I ask this question, no one can give me an answer. People get stuck on it.
Begüm Güven Karace:
I can answer this straight away. I have always pursued joy and happiness, doing the things that make me feel better. I keep doing some things, but I also keep trying new things that may bring me more happiness. If I were to have sixty years of life left, it would be a wonderful prospect.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
So, you have completed all your worldly tasks here. You may then enjoy life for sixty years now?
Begüm Güven Karace:
This is the way to enjoy life, and there is no other way. I enjoy life by doing things that are joyful, motivational, healthy, and lively. I don’t think there is another way to enjoy life. You cannot enjoy life by sitting on the sidelines and watching it pass by. You can only enjoy life by being involved in it, feeling it, and experiencing joy.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
This is how the system works, but we apply it in a reverse order and say we will find peace and happiness if we have money, so we chase money all our lives. In fact, what we are really seeking is peace and happiness, and we can get this free. When you feel peaceful and happy, I mean when you reach that final goal, things start automatically flowing toward you.
Begüm Güven Karace:
This is one of our greatest problems. We always say things like “I’ll quit work when I have some money to spare. I will work less once I’ve paid my debts. I’ll retire early once I can provide for my future.” Yet the debts never end, and do you know why? It’s because life wants us to be active and work. If I were not threatened by poverty, I would likely not lift a finger. When we decide something without the threat of money, we do not need to fear a lack of it. But we all have fears concerning money. We say we want to quit work once we’ve paid off the mortgage or reached some other milestone, but we constantly set new goals to keep us motivated. These goals are set based on our lack of money, so we are motivated by the threat of money.
You may say, “I need to get up early because I need to work and earn money,” but you are not obliged. You just want to earn money, so you can reach your goals. You want to do the things you like to do and lead a better life. If you say, “I have to,” you don’t! You just choose to live this way. You could just live your life unthreatened by money and let it come to you.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Well, I was just wondering about myself. If I became super rich, would I stop publishing this magazine? No I wouldn’t, quite the opposite in fact. Perhaps I could set up my own studio and launch a television channel, even though YouTube already provides me with this opportunity. So, what else could I do better? What better thing could I do than sharing knowledge? For me personally, I don’t think there is anything better. This was what I always wanted to do, and I would continue doing it even if I became rich.
Begüm Güven Karace:
But think about it this way: Do you slow down when you have a nice amount of money that will sustain your lifestyle for a time? Do you delay things that you would normally do straight away? Or do you react quicker when your cash is running short or you start to be concerned about the future? Does this make you more productive and creative? If so, yes, you are acting under the threat of money, because money keeps us motivated. Without this motivation, we would do nothing. Would we even be talking about this subject if we had so much money? It is such a paradox.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
We would do what we are doing now because it is our life purpose. We would do the same thing if we were rich, but maybe we would not get off our asses so easily. I can only talk for myself, but I like working. I love working in joy and pleasure, but sometimes I just want to sit back. Let me confess something, however. After having a therapy session with you, I now only do what I want to do. I now believe that whenever money comes to me, I should receive what is offered.
Begüm Güven Karace:
You know the proverb of “Cometh the hour, cometh the man,” right? We always wait until we’re stuck before taking action and seeking support. This is embedded in our genes and in our culture.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Yeah, look at the performance of our national Turkish soccer team. They always win their matches with a last-minute goal rather than easily dominating throughout. Even when they score three goals, they concede two and stress us out. Then they score another two goals, and we feel relaxed. We cannot watch their matches comfortably. We usually qualify for the World Cup thanks to the most fantastic calculations. We never qualify outright. So, don’t we have the capability to do this? I’m sure we do, but it’s like we’re stuck. We don’t lift a finger until the last minute, when the pressure is on.
Begüm Güven Karace:
Yes, we often wait for the last minute to score decisive goals or take eleventh-hour action. Yet the key to abundance and prosperity is planning, manifesting, producing, and acting. I mean, what do I want to do? First of all, I make a plan for it. I make plans, implement them, and take action. Whenever I want to do something or buy something, I first need a plan and a schedule. Next, I need to take action based on that plan and the related timings. Once I take action, the power of the universe prepares to help me and everything goes smoothly. If I do not take action before becoming stuck from beliefs or behavioral patterns, I will wait until the last minute before taking action. In every case, I always find a solution, but I would not have become stuck if I’d found the solution earlier.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Oh, I think we skipped something. What happened to the girl you worked with on gratitude?
Begüm Güven Karace:
Wonderful things happened! She left her previous school and enrolled in a vocational school instead. She is a very talented girl. When she first came to me, I noticed her beautifully combed hair and asked who had done it for her. She replied that she groomed her own hair. Now she is learning hairdressing at her new school, as well as working part time. She came out of depression and has an occupation now. Everything in her life is on track now, and I still receive encouraging updates from her.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Can writing be so potent? If I continuously focus on gratitude, would I get similar results within a day, or should I just write things down anyway?
Begüm Güven Karace:
Writing is a very powerful tool. When you think about something, it holds to a certain point, but when you write things down, you also record them visually.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
So, when you read something aloud, it is also audibly recorded. If you sample a new perfume, you send all that data to your brain through all of your senses. Priceless, isn’t it?
Begüm Güven Karace:
Exactly, we understand everything through our senses and feelings, and we record them. By the way, let’s remember that we should pay attention to what we write. What do we write? What do we express about life and people? We need to pay attention to our words. What do we say about money? How do we judge our lives?
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Do you remember when I said, “If I were super rich…”? By this I intended to mean being rich as something extravagant, but here’s the point: I should have maybe said, “If money were not a problem for me…” or something similar. Do you see how my original choice of words had a belief pattern in it, because “super rich” sounds excessive?
Begüm Güven Karace:
If you find yourself thinking or uttering that money is a bad thing, defining it with negative adjectives, you should change this behavior with conscious effort. When you talk about yourself, are you implying that you are a victim? When you talk about yourself, do you always mention your worst aspects? Start with noticing your best qualities and begin defining yourself according to them. This will raise your vibration level and attract abundance and prosperity to your life.
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş:
Thank you very much, Begüm.