Maintain a no speaking rule during the entire meditation. Sounds are fine, but do not use words. This will help your experience to go much deeper.
Opening ritual
Sit opposite your partner looking into each-other’s eyes with hands in Namaste position. Raise arms and hands towards the sky, receiving blessings from higher consciousness.
Once you both feel blessings have been received, namaste and then bow down with your crown chakras touching.

  • Put blindfolds on each other
  • Sniff underarms, neck and genitals and any other body areas you feel drawn to.
  • Taste lips, explore mouth and breathe together. Taste, lick and suck nipples, genitals, and other erogenous zones.
  • Chant Mantra Om on each chakra, slowly.
  • Caress and massage the whole body of each other by turns, slowly.
  • Remove blindfold and do a sensual dance for each other by turns or simply do eye gazing.
  • Move into penetrative sex and while engaged in union, you can do any of the sensorial methods which were used as erotic play, in any order you would like, spontaneously moving through the sensorial landscape.

There is no goal in this meditation to have orgasm or not to have orgasm. Simply be open to experience what is, in the moment.
Closing Ritual
Sit opposite your partner looking into each-other’s eyes with hands in Namaste position.  Bow down with your crown chakras touching.
Sit up and again and come into Namaste.
The meditation is now complete.
(Article taken from Sarita’s website:

Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita